Inktober Day 18: Moon I've been waiting for this day. Had this one in my mind the entire time. Coolest boss in BB btw. #Bloodborne #Soulstober #inktober2021
Inktober Day 15: Helmet I'm glad after so long Scream Fortress is still an annual thing. #TF2 #tf2soldier #Inktober #inktober2021
Inktober Day 13: Roof Your boss fight is instantly cooler at the top of a really huge tower. #DevilMayCry #Inktober #inktober2021
Inktober Day 11: Sour REMEMBER: EVERY VILLAIN IS LEMONS #SpongeBobSquarepants #Inktober #inktober2021
Inktober Day 10: Pick It's either good rank or hea- yeah I'm going with health. #JillValentine #ResidentEvil #Inktober #Inktober2021
Inktober Day 8: Watch Never again. Tartarus is cool, but god damn is it complicated. Also, sorry for being late. I'll make it up eventually. #Persona3 #atlusfaithful #Inktober #inktober2021
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