So great seeing @bridgetregan again!! Zedd was excited too❤️! Hope we can meet in person one day! @clexacon #bridgetregan #clexacon #clexacon2022 #zedd #kahlanamnell #kahlanamnellcosplay #comicconvirtual #virtualcomiccon #lots #legendoftheseeker #zeddthecat
“One must always be careful of books,” said Tessa. “And what is inside them, for words have the power to change us.“ #tessagray #theinfernaldevices #cosplay #fairytale #fairytalephotoshoot #ballgown #bookgirl #magic #magical #stlgram #stlportraits @cassieclare @ShadowhunterBks
Kahlan cosplay side by side ! @BridgetRegan #cosplay #sidebyside #kahlan #legendoftheseeker #motherconfessor
Happy Birthday #ClaryFray ! @cassieclare @Kat_McNamara #themortalinstruments #tmi #shadowhunters #cosplay
Who remembers Kahlan’s gold cloak from Season 1, Episode 7, “Identity”?! I always wished she wore it again. It is so pretty ! #identity #kahlan #kahlanamnell #theseeker #motherconfessor #confessor #mistress #condar #legendoftheseeker #whitedress #cosplay @BridgetRegan
“One must always be careful of books,” said Tessa. “And what is inside them, for words have the power to change us.“ #tessagray #theinfernaldevices @cassieclare #clockworkprince #cosplay #fairytale #romantic #ballgown #bookgirl #magic Gown @briellecostumes Photo: @kellykphotos
“....I like adventures and I’m going to find some. “ #littlewomen #ballgown #stlgram #romantic #fairytale #fairytalephotography #stlportraits #stlphotography #cosplay #cosplayer #cosplaygirl #katherinepierce #katherine Photo by:@kellykphotos Gown by: @briellecostumes ✨
Happy Birthday @gal_gadot !! Your Wonder Woman is inspiring ! #happybirthdaygalgadot #happybirthday #hbd #galgadot #wonderwoman #cosplay #wonderwomancosplay #girlpower #flex #ww84 #wonderwoman1984 #shield #lassooftruth #dianaprince #themyscira #princessdiana #demigoddess
#cosplayforsale if anyone is interested ! #frankiestein #cinderella #1940s #dress #cosplay Send me a message !
Happy Birthday @bridgetregan !!! Here is some #kahlanamnell side by side to celebrate 🖤 ⚔️! #cosplay #legendoftheseeker #motherconfessor #commandmeconfessor #happybirthdaybridgetregan
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