I did it. I finished Inktober. It was fun but I'm glad it's over because it was getting hard to complete these. #Inktober2022 #Inktober2022farm #Inktoberfarm #jlrspaceverse instagr.am/p/CkZ788KMF6P/
For #inktoberscurry I had to draw Wix from the scurry comic meeting one of my himples. #inktober #inktober2022scurry #inktober2022 #inktoberchallenge #inktober52 #jlrspaceverse instagr.am/p/CjOWpleg5yG/
Furry is a fuzzy cub. Karks have fluff like cheetah cubs. #jlrspaceverse #inktober #inktober2021 #inktober2021fuzzy instagr.am/p/CVTYw9DrCfM/
Chibbink has one huge moon, which is the main way that Chix tell time, because a moon phase is longer than a Chibbink year. #jlrspaceverse #inktober #inktober2021 #inktober2021moon instagr.am/p/CVMmLVrMjzK/
Warhounds are good jumpers. #jlrspaceverse #inktober #inktober2021 #inktober2021roof instagr.am/p/CU_JjbhLtB6/
This little Torf kid is pretty stuck. Luckily Takaski is one of the better Chix. #jlrspaceverse #inktober #inktober2021 #inktober2021stuck instagr.am/p/CU9J4oboVeV/
Sikel are a scavenging species native to Korska. #jlrspaceverse #inktober2021 #inktober #inktober2021raven instagr.am/p/CUqY34CLqsF/
The Warhound, Savora’s ship. #jlrspaceverse #inktober #inktober52 #inktober2021 #inktober2021vessel instagr.am/p/CUlHdDrLbHA/
The last two drawings for #inktober2020. I completed it. #jlrspaceverse instagr.am/p/CJd-BHpAoJF/
I couldn't think of anything from my spaceverse for this #inktober prompt, so I just did #inktober52yeti as a yeti. instagr.am/p/CJAcuZoA8lB/
I really wish hashtags were working. Tupra has missiles in their asteroid field to stop invasion. And a hurt Elba. #jlrspaceverse #inktober2020 #inktober52 #inktober #inktober52satellite and #inktober52hurt instagr.am/p/CHlBeO6gXyN/
My last drawing for #inktober unless I decide to complete one I missed. Warhounds are good at stalking. #jlrspaceverse #inktober2020 #inktobercrawl #inktober2020crawl instagr.am/p/CHCJViqgHXy/
Torfs aren’t into shoes. #jlrspaceverse #inktober #inktober2020 #inktobershoes #inktober2020shoes instagr.am/p/CG-svJSghOz/
Akar is Krys’s bounty hunting uncle. #jlrspaceverse #primal_inktober #inktober2020 #inktober2020hunter instagr.am/p/CG6dv6mA1Y7/
Rolko and Ashin were buddies, and were lucky that they got to stay together as slaves. #jlrspaceverse #inktober #inktober2020 #inktoberbuddy #inktober2020buddy instagr.am/p/CGyiYLegAQO/
Elbas are natural diggers. #jlrspaceverse #inktober #inktober2020 #inktoberdig #inktober2020dig instagr.am/p/CGwWDHEgiCA/
Just a sleepy warhound. The Saddat breed has more fur than the Chibbink breeds. #jlrspaceverse #inktober #inktober2020 #inktobersleep #inktober2020sleep instagr.am/p/CGvjWLpgSyi/
I’m caught up, just behind on posting. This is Melsha, the Deathhorn’s cook. #jlrspaceverse #inktober2020 #inktober #inktoberchef #inktober2020chef instagr.am/p/CGuoKj1g7wD/
I’m a bit behind but I will catch up. #jlrspaceverse #superstrike10 #inktober #inktober2020 #inktoberdizzy #inktober2020dizzy #inktobercoral #inktober2020coral instagr.am/p/CGqb39UAdfT/
Things went bad for Klate in an RP. He was pretty much paralyzed here. #jlrspaceverse #superstrike10 #inktober #inktober2020 #inktobertrap #inktober2020trap instagr.am/p/CGg06poAm7w/
Her name is Storm. Lazakal are one of the few truely carnivorous sentient species. They can also kill something much bigger than themselves without weapons. Good thing they’re pacifists. #jlrspaceverse #inktober #inktober2020 #inktoberstorm #inktober2… instagr.am/p/CGdmXyigUSa/
Argoths are a huge species in the Unknown Regions. They are at war with the Imperium. #jlrspaceverse #inktober #inktober2020 #inktoberrocket #inktober2020rocket instagr.am/p/CGbf7vkgdPg/
The idea of a bunch of highly advanced aliens setting up an outpost on a primitive planet seems kind of cool. #jlrspaceverse #inktober2020 #inktober #inktoberoutpost #inktober2020outpost #inktober52 instagr.am/p/CGaPh-wAHE-/
There are a few areas on Lokostwa that look more like the places we consider deserts. #jlrspaceverse #inktober #inktober2020 #inktoberdune #inktober2020dune instagr.am/p/CGTSxEkAN-r/
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