Sprouts breaking through concrete and other materials is the prime reason you shouldn't litter. #inktober2021
If you ever find yourself falling, don't waste the opportunity to do a nice loop in midair. #inktober2021 #iberolarts
The tendency to see faces in things is called pareidolia. The tendency to hear them talk to you is called a level 3 mental emergency. #inktober2021
Why flies choose to collide into the window in presence of a perfectly good door is a mystery of nature we dare not unravel. #inktober2021
At least after today's test, our roof doesn't need a vent installation anymore. #inktober2021 #iberolarts #VTuberEN
What happens when you give a cat something sour? Turns out it just makes a face like this. #inktober2021 #ShanahArt #VTuberEN
Some gentleman tried to pay one of our vending machines with this pick here. They seemed unsatisfied that it was only worth a diet soda. #inktober2021 #VTuberEN
Do you do your best work under pressure? Order our patented Definitive Encouragement and Assistance Device today! #inktober2021 #iberolarts #VTuberEN
Do you ever find yourself at a loss for something to do? With the Standard Ibero Corporation Watch, you will never be confused again! #inktober2021 #iberolarts #VTuberEN
No matter who you are, there is a special fan issued for the purpose of observing your progress. Next time you are out there, try finding them in the crowd! #inktober2021 #iberolarts #VTuberEN
Catching up on the #inktober2021 prompts, marathon style! Did you ever wonder how a weather talisman can read? With our newest spirit visualisation technology, we can provide an answer! #ttbozart
We had witnessed an accident involving a mysterious vessel and one @KajiOniyama the other day. Now Kaji is a lot more animated! #inktober2021day3 #VtuberEn #kajillust
Recounting of the recent Crystal Growth incident. Company note: Be LESS Ambitious on the first try. #inktober2021 #iberolarts
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