May the world celebrate this special day with you, my king. 願天下同賀這一日,我的王。 天下の民衆もこぞってこの日を祝うだろう、我が王よ。 #Quilldrenland #Ikenography #Akurylic #IkeBirthday2022
Come on Ike, it's party time! Ike快來,派對快開始了! 行くぞアイク、パーティーの時間だ! #Quilldrenland #Ikenography #drawluca #IkeBirthday2022
讓我們正中紅心吧eyyyyyyyy~ Let’s hit the bull's-eyeyyyyyyyyyyy~ 的に中ろう!eyyyyyyyy~ #Quilldrenland #Ikenography #YaminoArt #IkeBirthday2022
This is what makes us family nya! 這就是同為家人的默契nya! これぞ家族の絆だにゃ! #Quilldrenland #Ikenography #MystArt #AlbanKnoxArt
You are actually doing so much better with the jump than me 其實你跳得比我好多了 僕のジャンプよりずっと上手いよ! #Quilldrenland #Ikenography #Reimural #Endoujin
Why don't we sing out the dreams and the future? 讓我們唱出夢想與未來 共に夢と未来を謳歌しよう #Quilldrenland #Ikenography #エナーアート #Palouette
Is this... a birthday gift for me? Thanks! Wait... Selen senpai? Ha! Look who's the one in the jar now! #Quilldrenland #Ikenography #Artsuki
Quilldren, Yuguys. Let's headbang together! Quilldren和Yuguys,一起搖滾吧! QuilldrenとYuguys、一緒にヘドバンしようぜ! #Quilldrenland #Ikenography #AsumArt
Join Ike's birthday party and restore your PP energy! 參加Ike的生日派對來恢復PP energy吧! アイクの誕生日パーティーに参加して、PPエネルギーを回復しよう! #Quilldrenland #Ikenography #PomuPaint
Strawberry mochi and the upright floating tea stem which symbolizes good luck, are the best wishes for your birthday! 草莓大福、寓意着幸運的豎直茶梗,都是給你的生日祝福 いちご大福と立っている茶柱、それは生まれた日への祝福 #Quilldrenland #Ikenography #絵バンス
Happy Birthday to #Ike_Eveland from Nijisanji EN! Be one of the Quilldren! A 2022 Birthday PV Project elaborately organized by Quilldren with lots of love and support, dedicated to Ike Eveland. #Quilldrenland #Ikenography
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