"be courageous and kind" - Ella Photographer: Tom Mascaro #cosplay #cinderella #ella #photography #shooting #love #amboise #disney #disneyprincesses #cosplayerofdisney
Bonjour, J'aime beaucoup cette photo ! Sur ce shooting il y a 3 photos que j'aime particulièrement, celle-ci, celle avec les coquelicots et une dernière que je partagerais dans quelques jours 😁 Et vous ? #cosplay #cendrillon #ella #photography #love #amboise
"Remember, the magic will not be eternal: at the 12th stroke of midnight, the spell will be broken and everything will be as before." Photographer: Tom Mascaro #cosplay #cinderella #ella #photography #shooting #amour #amboise #disney #disneyprincesses
Kindness breeds goodness and kindness breeds magic." Photographer: Tom Mascaro #cosplay #cinderella #ella #photography #shooting #amour #amboise #disney #disneyprincesses
After all the emotions of yesterday Gamora is back home so I breathe and I am so relieved !! So I'm posting a new photo of Ariel from the shoot! This photo is truly one of my favorites! #cosplay #ariel #sea #contedefees #couture #princessedisney #cosplaygirl #frenchcosplayer
I never really tested black and white photos but this one I really like! It's my friend @Maiwenn RJ who reworked it for me! She also shot and edited the video 😁😁 I can't wait to show it to you! #Ariel #photography #cosplay #frenchcosplayer #cosplaygirl #Disneycosplayer
Some pictures of @chateau_de_chamerolles but this time outside! Photographer: Tom Mascaro #cosplay #ariel #mermaid #royal #castle #chamerolle #disneyprincesses #coupedefrancecosplay #frenchcosplayer #cosplaygirl #Disneycosplayer #princessedisney
Hello ! Another view of the @chateau_de_chamerolles bedroom This room is really beautiful I think! Photographer: Tom Mascaro #cosplay #ariel # siren #royal #sea #contedefees #creation #faitmain #couture #dress #lapetitesirene #disney #disneyprincesses
Hello ! For the next theme I'll take you with me to @chateau_de_chamerolles I was lucky enough to be able to shoot a video in the castle for the French Cosplay Cup #cosplay #ariel #chateau #coupedefrancecosplay #frenchcosplayer #cosplaygirl #Disneycosplayer #princessedisney
Petit cosplay de Kida sur les plages du débarquement à Omaha beach #cosplay #omahabeach #normandie #atlantide #kida #frenchcosplayer #cosplaygirl
La fantaisie est un perpétuel printemps #cosplay #ariel #spring #disney #disneyprincesses #frenchcosplayer #dream
Bien loin dans la mer, l’eau est bleue comme les feuilles des bluets, pure comme le verre le plus transparent, mais si profonde qu’il serait inutile d’y jeter l’ancre. #cosplay #ariel #mermaid #sea #dieppe #plagededieppe #faitmain #Disney #disneyprincesses #cosplayerofdisney
Bonjour ! Finalement je n'ai pas eu le temps de poster les ventes hier ! J'espère pouvoir le faire aujourd'hui ! Photographe : Tom Mascaro #cosplay #raiponce #disney #disneyprincesses #pascal #cameleon #reve #fleursauxpetalesdor #fleurmagique #chevelure
Bonjour bonjour, Surveillez mon fil Instagram je vais poster de nouveaux produits à la vente aujourd'hui 😉😉 Bonne journée ! Photographe : Tom Mascaro #cosplay #raiponce #disney #disneyprincesses #eugene #cosplaygirl #pascal #photography #shooting
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