❤🧡💛💚💙💜 HoloEN Wallpaper 😊 #FineFaunart #BaelzBrush #drawMEI #ArtsOfAshes #ameliaRT #IRySart #callillust #inART #kronillust #galaxillust #gawrt
Sleepover 😊 (I didn't know how to draw pajamas) #kronillust #BaelzBrush #ameliaRT #callillust #gawrt #drawMEI #ArtsOfAshes #FineFaunart #inART #galaxillust #irysart
❤🧡💛💙💜 Happy 2nd Year Anniversary 😊😊😊 #ameliaRT #inART #ArtsOfAshes #gawrt #callillust #holoMyth
En doodles during a social event I definitely should've used to actually form human connections but didn't 😌 #callillust #ArtsOfAshes #inART #gawrt #ameliaRT #irysart #galaxillust #FineFaunart #kronillust #drawMEI #BaelzBrush
Our astrogirl, thank you for everything. I will miss you. I love you. I'm very sad to see you go but I will support you until the end and I wish you all the best. Last headpat for you for now. Sana is beeg and eternal. 💛💛💛 #galaxillust #20DaysOfSana
This was the first time I ever drew Council. It feels just like yesterday. ❤🧡💛💚💙 #galaxillust #FineFaunart #illustrayBAE #kronillust #drawMEI #20DaysOfSana
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