Let's go with this year #inktober2022 ,I'll try to mostly do #shadaze stuff with it, #gargoyles watching over the city.
#inktober2020 #inktober2020day8 #teeth Okay this is the ONE self-indulging shippy-exceedly-klimtesque piece for the month; I forbid myself from going full #shadaze more than that. Was going for a "bite" take on the usual "kiss" yada yada~
#inktober2020day4 #inktober2020 #radio JET SET RIDERS (realised during that drawing that hideki also did Air Gear Ost too, we were so robbed he wasn't on the team for Sonic Riders Ost aaaaugh) #shadaze
#Inktoberday19 #sling Recently noticed how "Sonic Boom' Tails look like the Tails from Light Mobius. With Shadow and Knuckles, Tails might be peak "SEGA smacked my character so hard that I lost IQ between games.". May the prodigy boy get his conviction back.
#inktoberday18 #misfit I’m right here, and I ain’t goin’ nowhere You can turn tables and you can throw chairs We’re right here, and we’re not running nowhere If You really want to catch up you’ll need far more Air (trivia: Jet is my favorite "Rival" for Sonic, by faaar)
#inktoberday17 #ornament All hail... not Shadow Trying to get a liiiiiiittle more anatomic without doing real muscles on them either, had another reversed, where shadow is more dominant, I'll post it lataaar
#Inktober2019 #inktoberday1 #ring there we go, there was so much things you could do with "ring" and sonic I just had to take the very least expected one because muh subvert expectations, so: Knuckles in a ring.
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