For every action we undertake, for every word we speak, for every life we touch–it matters. I don't turn toward the light because it means someday I'll 'win' some sort of cosmic game. I turn toward it because it is the light. #cosplay #MayThe4thBeWithYou #CalKestis
In another universe, maybe Trilla and Cal could have been friends! #jedifallenorder #calkestis #secondsister #Cosplay
More Kenobi stuff from a few months back. Because I can't get enough of this robe! #ObiWanKenobi #cosplay #starwarscosplay
Let's all just pretend I had a clever caption for this one, yeah? Just enjoy an awesome picture! #obiwankenobi #starwars #cosplay
I love how well Cal's tattoo comes across here, though given it's a tattoo of a company's brand, it feels more like he was branded than got it voluntarily! #jedifallenorder #calkestis #starwars #cosplay
For #MayTheFourth I have to share an incredible shot I got from a recent shoot! #starwars #starwarscosplay #obiwankenobicosplay #cosplay #maythe4thbewithyou #StarWarsDay
I'm posting Star Wars cosplays every day this week! I have some great stuff to share so I need to just have a week to geek out over it! #starwarscosplay #obiwankenobicosplay #cosplay
Based these pictures off of the @collectsideshow figurine of Kenobi the nomad. I'd like to revisit this with more accessories one day! #starwarscosplay #obiwankenobicosplay #cosplay
My best attempt at making a Force Essence through GIMP! #calkestis #jedifallenorder #starwarscosplay #cosplay
Cal and BD-1 is a very good combo! #calkestiscosplay #jedifallenordercosplay #starwarscosplay #cosplay #menofcosplay
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