Inktober Day 1 - Fish Let's go a little spooky with a skeleton Anglerfish. I feel like this one is a lot cuter than its real life counter part, but still chilling to the sight. #inktober #inktober2020 #inkdrawing #inktoberfish #inktoberday1 #anglerfish
"The Ogopogo" A giant sea serpent that lives in Lake Okanagan, I remember being told that if I swam too far from the boat the Ogopogo would get me. #inktober2019 #Inktober #inktoberlegend #inktoberday15 #canadianmonsters #canadianfolklore #ogopogo #britishcolumbia #lakemonster
"Argyle" Surprisingly, argyle isn't that easy to draw. #inktober2019 #Inktober #patterninktober #inktoberday10 #pattern #argylesweater #sweaterweather #fallvibes
"A Frail Image of Self" Just a reminder you don't have to undergo drastic change to be beautiful. ❤ #inktober2019 #Inktober #frailinktober #inktoberday8 #mentalhealth #selfimage #eatingdisorder
"Grasping Change" . Butterflies represent change, and for me changing is a way to enchant your life, to help make it better. . #inktober2019 #Inktober #enchantedinktober #inktoberday7 #butterfly #life #confidence #happiness #change #changisgood
Inktober Day 6 - Husky #inktober2019 #Inktober #inktoberday6 #huskyinktober #husky #dog #awepuppy #sillydog #wink
"Mei I get you a Cocoa?" Got some new ink pens and wanted to test them out. #inktober2019 #Inktober #freezeinktober #inktoberday4 #overwatch #mei #frozen #hotcocoa #warm #cold
"Fishing in Heaven" Today prompted bait, and it made me miss those fishing trips I took with Grandpa Munro. I love you Grandpa and I miss you everyday. ❤ #inktober2019 #inktober #baitinktober #fishing #heaven #family #love #clouds #stars #fishingtrip #grandpa #angelinheaven
"The ring of this young girl's heart" #Inktober2019 #inktober #ringinktober2019 #weddingring #younggirl #dreams #future
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