Merry Christmas to all the anaesthetists out there! #MerryChristmas #AnaesthesiaChristmas #anaesthesia #Cartoon
The Australian government has launched a billboard campaign to recruit Irish medics. Perhaps Ireland should follow suit and launch our own campaign in Australia… My latest cartoon for @med_indonews #Cartoon #DoctorEmigration
NCHDs are considering industrial action over working conditions in the health service. My latest cartoon for @med_indonews #StandingUp4NCHDs #Cartoon #HealthService
Social distancing ended in Ireland months ago, but the health service will continue its decades-long social distancing policy for NCHDs. We need more support for NCHDs who are required to move at their own expense, often far away from family, for training #StandingUp4NCHDs
Instead of using the Sláintecare contract as a rare opportunity to improve the damaged relationship between doctors and the health service, the Department seems determined to use it as a means to drive those of us remaining away My cartoon for @med_indonews #slaintecarecontracf
This winter is not shaping up to be a good one for the health service… #COVID19 #covid19ireland #cartoon #winteriscoming
>600 hospitalised with Covid, and one third of ICU beds occupied with the disease. If you’re not vaccinated, you are FAR more likely to be hospitalised and admitted to ICU with Covid, so please get vaccinated. #covid19ireland #covid19 #cartoon
As a trainee, the “proposed” #slaintecarecontract was one of the most demoralising things I’ve seen since the two-tier pay plan of 2012, and certainly won’t help improve healthcare in Ireland. A better contract is needed to keep our doctors. #IHCA2021 #carecantwait @IHCA_IE
This cartoon is ever-green. Australia is making it easier for Irish doctors & nurses to emigrate there. Meanwhile, Ireland is debating a “Covid bonus” rather than focusing on things like conditions and pay that might actually retain our healthcare staff.…
Shout out to all the anaesthetists out there on this very special day, I hope your surgeons bring you a coffee to celebrate! #worldanesthesiaday #worldanaesthesiaday
Many military metaphors used in medicine were popularised with germ theory. Disease came to be seen as an external 'enemy' to be defeated rather than an imbalance of bodily humours. This is still how we see our immune system today. #JourneyThroughtheBody #ImmuneSystem #Inktober
This Hallowe'en, be scared of the flu, not the flu vaccine! My cartoon in the latest issue of @med_indonews #halloween #flu #fluvaccine #cartoon #inktober
The hand is one of the most complex and interesting parts of the body. Check out the de-layering of it in my book, 'Journey Through the Body'. #JourneyThroughTheBody #Inktober #thehand #anatomy #illustration #graphicmedicine
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