Day 19 of Inktober. Midnight ponytail. Someone cut of their pony tail and is now being tracked by a hunter #TDPtober #inktober2022 #inktober
Day 15 of Inktober. A sad little armadillo person heartbroken after being rejected! She needs hugs #TDPtober #inktober2022 #inktober
Day 13 of Inktober. Kind Illusions. Going full dragon prince with this one a draw from the show Rayla's parents together but in the form Callam sure them in #TDPtober #inktober2022 #inktober
Day 12 of Inktober. This one isnt that good. Hes a dad who has memory loss #TDPtober #inktober2022 #inktober
Day 10 of Inktober. Broken Crabby. Sat crappy boy after a battle. I don't draw animals often #TDPtober #inktober2022 #inktober
Day 9 Of Inktober. Adoraburr Nest. Since Adoraburr is a species in dragon prince and not a word prompt I went in and drew three little fluffy beings. #TDPtober #inktober2022 #inktober
Day 7 of inktover. Couldn't make this drawing very trippy but I did draw some sibling who do that stuff. #TDPtober #inktober2022 #inktober
Day 5 of Inktober. Reflection Flame. Scarlett looking into her flame seeing its beauty and its danger. #TDPtober #inktober2022 #inktober
Day 4 of Inktober. Scallop Jellytart. Not much to it just Lady Gluttony offering some food. #TDPtober #inktober2022 #inktober
Day 3 of inktober. Today I drew the bats at the end of a tunnel. They are fire bats meaning they are out a day light. #TDPtober #inktober2022 #inktober
Day 2 of Inktober. Today was scurry and dragon. I draw an orange dragon with a scull who is holding a mouse hostage. #TDPtober #inktober2022 #inktober
Day 1 of intober. I couldn't decide whether to do the official inktober or the dragon prince inktober. So I'm doing both mixing the two words together! #TDPtober #inktober2022 #inktober
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