【VOXTEK - Thunder Storm VT03 - Amano Pikamee】 Simple yet stylish, this outfit was designed to enhance this gamer monster's comfort. An electrifying aesthetic, but it is actually waterproof as well as an added extra. #Pikart#voxtek
【VOXTEK - Polarity VT02 - Jitomi Monoe】 Fitted for the harsh cold winter, the fur coat and heat insulated fabrics provide warmth and comfort in the strongest of storms. The designer hinted that this outfit had special magnetic properties as well. #磁っとみて#voxtek
【VOXTEK - Fire Force VT03 - Hikasa Tomoshika】 Suited for hotter environments and accompanied with a fire-proof jacket, this design was made for this fiery gamer monster's intense moments. #トモシ画#voxtek