#HoshinovArt You're The Moon And I'm The Stars Like intertwined rays Shine brightly in the night sky With smile for everyone In A Total Darkness Journey Shine into the right way of the moonlight With a Small Hopes patiently waiting The Dream that will become true
Nice now i can do a peace sign pose with Milady XD *slaap Welcome Back Milady /'-')/ Your Ex-Butler miss you so much TTATT #HoshinovArt #GrassMoona #MoonA_Live
Ettoo.... Good Morning Milady Here is my chocolate cake for you, Of course for Valentine day this years ... Please take it, sorry if i being late to give this chocolate cake ._.)/ But i'm happy can make this cake just for you '-')b #HoshinovArt
Entah kenapa jadi kepikiran ginian pas Stream tadi hahahhaa Oh El mustacho... meski dirimu taklah setara dengan Tupperware mahal itu, kutetap menyukaimu !!! 🤣*slaap #VSRisu #HoshinovArt #GambaRisu
#HoshinovArt So milady invite me to a cafe... But suddenly she felt sleepy and then fell asleep:'> And Yeah i'm sleepy too.... Source Background : twitter.com/dssansvn/statu…
#HoshinovArt Good Morning Milady Here some Butler Chocolate for you 🥰 I hope you will be always my sweet princess XD And Happy Valentine Milady 😆
#Hoshinovart #ioarts Inspired by MoonaTECH! So... I've Seen in guerilla Stream Iofi and Moona have StoneFarm. Thats make me remember my Own Castle need more Stone, so maybe i need that StoneFarm and then i make one stonefarmXD Thanks Moona and Iofi '-')b
#hoshinovart Wahai Bulan... Bersinar terang dilangit malam Menyinari jiwa yang sepi Menyentuh lembut hati kecil ini Cahaya lembut penerang jiwa Dikala malam penuh pilu ini Meski diri ini tak layak disinari Diri ini Senang, bahwa bulan Akan selalu bersinar dihatiku ini
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