Inktober day 28: Pumpkin Theres only a few days of inktober left but I’ve got a backlog of drawing to post #pumpkin #inktober #inktober2022 #inktoberday28 #drawtober2022 #drawtober #halloween
Inktober day 9: Have a coffee Think I’m gonna take a break from inktober for a couple of days until I finish my midterm. Hope everyone else is doing well with the challenge #inktober2022 #inktober #inktoberday9 #coffee #drawtober #drawtober2022 #drawtoberday9 #sketch
Inktober Day 5: Candied Apple I wanted to draw an apple that was starstuck by the brilliance of the candied apple cause we all have those moments #inktober2022 #inktoberday5 #drawtober #inktober #drawtober2022 #candiedapple #candiedapples
Day 1: Sad Radish Got a new iPad for uni and decided to take part in drawtober to learn how to use procreate. Might not be able to post every day since we’re in the middle of midterms but will try to post every other day. #drawtober #drawtober2022 #inktober #drawtoberday1
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