Flashback to last year’s Sailor Moon Draw This In Your Own Style challenge #sailormoon #pewpew #fanart #loveandjustice #anime #sailormoonredraw #artist #illustrator
08 - Parasaurolophus #Parasaurolophus #dinosaurs #dinosaur #inktober #inktober2020 #inktobercanada #drawing #art #artist #dino #dinos
Trying some colour now 07 - Stegosaurus #inktober #inktober2020 #inktobercanada #dinosaurs #dinosaur #stegosaurus #paleontology #dino #illustrator #artist
06 - Dilophosaurus #inktober #inktober2020 #inktobercanada #ink #drawing #dinosaur #dinosaurs #paleontology #therapod #dilophosaurus
05 - Diplodocus #dinosaur #dinosaurs #paleontology #ink #inktober #illustration #inkdrawing #drawing #illustrator
04 - Pachycephalosaurus #inktober #inktober2020 #drawing #dinosaurs #dino #pachycephalosaurus #dinosaur #paleontology #illustration #illustrator
02 - Ankylosaurus #inktober #inktober2020 #dinosaurs #dino #ankylosaurus #paleontology #inkdrawing #art #artist #illustrator
Inktober 01 - Triceratops I’m making dinosaurs this year! #triceratops #dinosaurs #threehorns #threehorn #paleontology #inktober #art #Artist #illustrator #drawing #dinos
I'm jumping on this Sailor Moon Redraw bandwagon you guys #sailormoonredraw #sailormoonredrawchallenge #sailormoon #pewpew #anime #redraw #art #artist #illustrator #illustration #sailorscout
Flashback to my Urban Legends drawings for InkTober. Alligators in the sewers #alligators #alligatorsinthesewers #seweralligator #urbanlegend #urbanlegends #nyc #nycurbanlegend #ink #drawing #doodle #inktober
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