@inktober 2021 N.17 Collide I feel such a pity when I see a bird collides against a glass! Luckily it has a simple solution as putting stickers on the windows.. another story is the dead birds because of the neighbour cat 😳 #inktobercollide #birdslove #inktober2021 #inki…
@inktober2021 N.11 Sour 🍋 German kids drink Apfelschorle but spanish kids drink Cola, and it has to be served with ice and lemon. And if they are brave enough they eat the ice or chew the lemon... Brrr it makes fun and shivers! #inktoberkids #inktobersour #inktober2021 #com…
@inktober2021 N.10 Pick Well, October is the month of foraging... guess what I am picking there in the woods 😁 PS- I know, I tend to repeat subjects.. 😅 #inktober2021 #woodsgoods #inthewoods #lookingformushrooms #foraging #pickingmushrooms #pilzesammeln #wanderlust #autobio…
in my tempo 🤭 I am catching this Weekend al ☝️😎 #inktober2020 #inktoberbulky #toinkornottoink #teaandwaterpictures #retroillustration #kinderbuchillustrator #surrealwatercolor #surrealist #whimsical
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