I ended up doing another #swordtember piece this year! It was a lot of fun and I'm really pleased with the results. Like the last one I took more time and combined prompts that I thought shared a theme. The Caretaker's Retort #swordtember2022 #mortuary #topiary #moss #guardian
A few close ups from my #swordtember post that I was proud of! #swordtember2022 #gothic #skeleton #potion #crystal
I could tweak this forever, but I'm really pleased. I decided to take more time and combine a few prompts that matched. I don't know if I'll do another #swordtember prompt but this was a lot of fun. The Vampire's Cinquedea #swordtember2022 #gothic #skeleton #potion #crystal
The prompt for day thirteen of #Inktober is roof. Took some time to come up with a good idea, and more time getting it right, American Traditional tattooing requires so much confidence in linework and with such organic shapes, that can be hard, but I'm pleased #inktober2021 #roof
Another #Inktober prompt has been completed, this time, it's the prompt for day twelve, stuck. I combined two things that I saw a lot of when looking at the American Traditional style of tattooing, webs and moths/butterflies #inktober2021 #stuck
Here is my piece for #Inktober day eleven, and the prompt sour. I tried adding a bit of variation to the yellow I used; something seen more in Neo-traditional American tattooing than in the original but I like the final outcome #inktober2021 #sour
The prompt for #Inktober day ten is pick. I saw a lot of pickaxes and a lot of guitar picks, I tried to do something a little different, and something that still fit with the American Traditional style of tattoos that I'm trying to mimic #inktober2021 #pick
The prompt for day five of #Inktober is raven, and my mind immediately went to Edgar Allan Poe and his piece on lost love and a particularly annoying bird, as no doubt it did for many others, and though it took a while to finish, I'm fairly pleased with it #inktober2021 #raven
The third day of #Inktober is done! The prompt for that day is vessel, a word with several definitions, so why not combine them? #Inktober2021 #vessel
Another fun combination for this #swordtember post. Day 5 was Lava and I combined it with day 17 which is Tooth/Bone. I wanted to combine the obsidian bladed Macuahuitl from Mesoamerica and the shark tooth bladed Leiomano from Hawaii #Swordtember2021
The #swordtember prompt for day 3 was Insect-Like, and though I'm late I'm finally satisfied with this one #Swordtember2021
It is #swordtember again and this year I'll be trying to participate, I combined days 1 and 2, Shadow and Light #Swordtember2021
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