As it was announced yesterday in SDCC, Nightwing 107 covers! This ‘Barbie vs. Oppenheimer’ thing is getting out of hands… @TomTaylorMade #Nightwing
Here’s a preview for next week’s Nightwing! A special 30 pages POV, hope you enjoy @TomTaylorMade @fxstudiocolor_ @jesswchen @DCOfficial…
Friendly reminder that surprisingly, I have been nominated for Eisner Awards for Best Artist and Best Cover Artist, and our Nightwing for Best Regular Series, so if you can and want to vote (before june 2) here’s the link for registration :)
And another cover today, for THE RIDDLER: YEAR ONE, by Paul Dano and Stevan Subic. Must THANK to @SubicStevan for letting me use his handwriting diaries pages as samples for this pages texturing, and to my friend Jim Chadwick to allow me participate. @dccomics #theriddleryearone
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