Streaming ended up becoming the creative outlet I never knew I needed until I started doing it. #twitch #ResidentEvil #cosplay
Jill Valentine is my favorite 💚 #REBH26th #ResidentEvil #JillValentine #cosplay #cosplayer #twitch
Hi y'all. I'm live again as Jill and we're practicing more RE3 tonight. Maybe we'll throw a rando in too :). #REBHFun #ResidentEvil #ResidentEvil3 #TwitchPartner #twitch #Live #cosplay #JillValentine
Hey y'all. I'm live as Claire for more of this wild RE2 mod, but this time Claire's scenario! #cosplay #ClaireRedfield #Livestream #ResidentEvil
Hey y'all. I'm live as Claire with a brand new ridiculously difficult RE2 mod, Shadows Nightmare! Let's go. #cosplay #ClaireRedfield #ResidentEvil #ResidentEvil2 #REBH25th
I'm live as Claire for a night of insanely difficult RE2 mods 😅 #ResidentEvil #ResidentEvil2 #Livestream #twitch #cosplay
I'm live as Jill and we're finishing Necropolis tonight! Let's bask in its glory :). #REBHFun #REBH25th #JillValentine #ResidentEvil #live #twitch #cosplay
I'm live as Claire and playing the new RE2 rando! Let's do this :). #REBHFun #REBH25th #Livestream #twitch #cosplay #ResidentEvil2
Sunday, Feb 20th, I'll be playing RE1 OG for the very first time while cosplaying Jill! We'll also be celebrating my Twitch anniversary:). Come hang put and celebrate with me! I go live at 8pm est. #REBHFun #JillValentine #ResidentEvil #cosplayer
Ready to slay some tyrants with my extra lorge rocket launcher. More pictures to come once we sort through and edit the ones taken with the good camera. #REBHFun #JillValentine #CAPCOM #cosplayer
Tonight we start our Kendo extravaganza. I'm going to cosplay this doofus, 5 o'clock shadow and all, and run through the RE2 Kendo mods again. Live at 8pm est 😅. #twitch #streaming #cosplay
I'm live! Let's finish my RE3 all Nemmy kills run and then start Lord of Necropolis! #cosplay #ResidentEvil #twitch #jillvalentine
Hey y'all. I'm live with my first time all Nemmy kills in RE3! I got strats this time 😅. #JillValentine #ResidentEvil #streaming #live #cosplay
I'm live with RE3 y'all. Let's finish it ;). #cosplay #JillValentine #ResidentEvil #twitch #streaming #LIVE
You want STARS? I'll give you STARS. I put this together last minute lol. I'm live with RE3 OG! Let's do this. #cosplay #JillValentine #ResidentEvil #streamer #twitch #Livestream
Don't you worry girlie, I'm keeping a close eye on things 😉. I'm live with Resident Evil 2 original! Lets do thissssss. #twitch #cosplay #ResidentEvil #LIVE #smallstreamer
I go live at 8pm est tonight and we'll be starting our RE2-a-thon. I'm so excited to finally share this game with y'all. #residentevil2 #ResidentEvil #cosplay #twitch
Cheeeeeeese. Also I 100% didn't realize I put the knife on the wrong side of the jacket until I looked at the pictures. Oops. At least it'll be on the right side when I do the cosplay stream cuz my cam is flipped lol. #ResidentEvil #residentevil2 #cosplay
Hey y'all! I go live tonight at 6pm est. We're going to be celebrating meeting one of my Twitch goals and I'll be cosplaying Tifa! I'm really excited and hope to see some of y'all there 💜 #twitch #SupportSmallStreamers #cosplay #TifaLockhart
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