Still planning out how I'll draw the Wardens and Lords for my little PLAxMMZ/ZX/ZXA drawings, but HEY! why not draw the train bois (this fandom is so fun, art wise) in that style? Oh an it's Ingo/Nobori day (again, interesting fandom) ENJOY! #submas #4月14日はnbrを描こう
Day 31 - Ripe #inktoberday31 #Inktober #Inktober2019 With the right eye, you can spot the ripe zina fruits that grow wild near The Captiol. At its ripest, the fruit will be flowing with sweet juices! AND THAT'S IT FOR INKTOBER! What a fun trip :D
Day 30 - Catch #inktoberday30 #Inktober2019 #Inktober Life can be rough when you're on the run...
Day 27 - Coat #Inktober2019 #Inktober #inktoberday27 Coat are what makes a person, or so they say. This fine coat is made from breathable fabrics and is light, but it's not cheap. Looks like Valkarye got to start saving up...
Day 22 - Ghost #Inktober2019 #inktober #inktoberday22 It is a belief that the soul is truly free when the body is burned and returns to the soils from which all life came. Ever bit of flesh and bone must be burnt to an ash, else the spirit will be bound to the mortal world...
Day 21 - Treasure #inktoberday21 #inktober #inktoberprompts While many of the old temple crumble and fade away, some are yet to be discoved and ventured inside. Many of these temples of Dimus hold treasures of gold and fine goods as tribute...
Day 20 - Tread #Inktober #inktoberday20 #Inktober2019 A Panthiran's tail is a very important limb of their body. It helps keep them balance and helps with weight when running. If anything were to happen to their tails, they would be crippled and in serious pain...
Day 17 - Ornament #inktoberday17 #Inktober #Inktober2019 The Bone Collector is the overseer of the underworld, and any bodies that wasn’t cremated will be dragged. He decorates his lair and his person with only the finest of bones... I'm starting to run out of ink ; u;
Day 16 - Wild #Inktober #Inktober2019 #inktoberday16 It's tough out there to survive the wilds. Even so-called "gentle" herbavoirs will fight back to survive. stay on you feet and fight back...
Day 15 - Legend #inktober #inktober2019 #inktoberprompts Legends spoke of a woman who wielded fire powers, rivaling that of the gods, that saved the world from annihilation! That same legend fore told that when the evil returns, so will she... some wonder who will that be
Day 14 - Overgrown #Inktober #Inktober2019 #inktoberchallenge As time moves on, the old ways start to fade away. Once beautiful temple that graced the lands, now are slowly crumbling away. As nature reclaim these structures, to many, the faith in gods never left...
Day 12 - Dragon #inktoberday12 #Inktober #Inktober2019 The ocean spirit is an ever changing being. Like the water, it has no form, but it bends to its will... like the changing currents...
Day 10 - Pattern #inktoberday10 #inktober #Inktober2019 In this world, gods and many powerful spirits dawn patterns all over thier bodies. As a true sign of devotion, followers decorate their bodies with these markings...
Day 8 - Frail #Inktober2019 #Inktoberday8 #inktober Not all heroes are muscle-bound hulks, some come in... smaller frames. Don't let Ashra's slim appearence fool you, she could hold her own, if her friends are around...
Day 5 - Build #inktoberday5 #Inktober #Inktober2019 I know it's late but i'm trying to hammer them out in time :D "This has to be the 3rd prototype for this thing" she thought. No more will she have to rely on a rusty, old wheelchair or crutches. Let's hope this works this time
Day 4: Freeze #inktober2019 #inktoberday3 #inktober well, it may not be cold and freezy, but this figure is frozen in place for a good 1,000+ years :D
Day 3 - Bait #Inktober2019 #Inktober Lore time~ "It was all a plan to drag down one of these powerful god to the underworld to be killed by this abomination, simply called the Chimera; just a shame it wasn't the intended target..."
it's Inktober time! Day 1 - Ring. this year I want to focus on using my characters from my comic "Numinous Odyssey", and who knows if new ideas will pop up! #Inktober2019 #Inktober
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