Day 13 of #drawinhorror Friday the 13th V: A New Beginning #inktober #fridaythe13thpart5 #horror #nothappywiththosone #kindahateit
Day 08 of #drawinhorror The Changeling. Had a hard time on this one and then work got in the way of all my fun. #thechangling #horror #inktober
Day 07 of #drawinhorror The Mutilator (1984) aka Fall Break #inktober #horror #slashermovie #themutilator #ichosethistodrawbecauseofthedeerwithsunglasses
Day 06 of #drawinhorror Phantom of the Paradise! Probably in my top 3 musicals of all time! #inktober #horror #phantomoftheparadise #depalma
Day 04 of #drawinhorror Ti West’s House of the Devil one of my all time favorites! #houseofthedevil #horror #inktober
Day 01 of #drawinhorror ‘22 . In the Mouth of Madness. After taking a year off, I’m gonna do the always awesome list that always awesome @codyschibi puts out. #inktober #horror #inthemouthofmadness
Day 31 of #drawinhorror Halloween 3: Season of the Witch #inktober #halloween3seasonofthewitch #halloween #october
Day 28 of #drawinhorror A Nightmare on Elm Street3: Dream Warriors #inktober #halloween #anightmareonelmstreet #dreamwarriors #freddykrueger
Day 26 of #drawinhorror Eraserhead #inktober #halloween #davidlynch #eraserhead Also my new Halloween comic is up at #comics #horror
Day 17 of #drawinhorror Burial Ground (Happy birthday @codyschibi I hope it’s a spooky one!) #inktober #burialground #horror
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