67 167 *yuan voice* thou must kiss her back, you fool #TalesofSymphonia #kranna 23/03/31 08:50
*yuan voice* thou must kiss her back, you fool #TalesofSymphonia #kranna
45 109 their travels #TalesofSymphonia #kranna 23/03/29 10:30
their travels #TalesofSymphonia #kranna
174 440 when i learned kratos was a knight i took that personally #TalesofSymphonia #kranna 23/03/27 01:35
when i learned kratos was a knight i took that personally #TalesofSymphonia #kranna
44 140 teach me (so i can protect you too) #TalesofSymphonia #kranna 23/03/06 00:09
teach me (so i can protect you too) #TalesofSymphonia #kranna
40 91 kratos and his family, at three different times #TalesofSymphonia #kranna #spoilers 23/03/03 03:00
kratos and his family, at three different times #TalesofSymphonia #kranna #spoilers
35 91 pov ur husband is a huge nerd and points out all the historical inaccuracies of books to u bc he was there when it happened #TalesofSymphonia #kranna 23/03/02 06:26
pov ur husband is a huge nerd and points out all the historical inaccuracies of books to u bc he was there when it happened #TalesofSymphonia #kranna
63 159 he let her go to the market after that #TalesofSymphonia #kranna 23/02/25 01:39
he let her go to the market after that #TalesofSymphonia #kranna
66 181 and i forgive you, for being away for far too long #TalesofSymphonia #kranna 23/02/23 05:47
and i forgive you, for being away for far too long #TalesofSymphonia #kranna
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