79 124 届いてくれ…… #SOP_FFO_1stAnniversary まであと2日。 Jack&Astos 23/03/16 00:02
届いてくれ…… #SOP_FFO_1stAnniversary まであと2日。 Jack&Astos
212 730 Jack and the Final Fantasy Origin homies (Astos took the picture) 23/03/06 03:39
Jack and the Final Fantasy Origin homies (Astos took the picture)
11 16 FF Stranger of paradise #fanart #strangerofparadise #FForigin #astos twitter.com/i/web/status/1… 23/01/24 21:44
FF Stranger of paradise #fanart #strangerofparadise #FForigin #astos twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
112 254 astos 23/01/05 01:05
1 0 Final Fantasy I (NES) - Astos / アストス [FULL VIDEO] => youtu.be/9Z_6Uoea_DI #FF1 #NES #OldGame #CRT #ファイナルファンタジー1 #ファミコン #レトロゲーム #ドット絵 #ブラウン管 22/11/02 00:16
Final Fantasy I (NES) - Astos / アストス [FULL VIDEO] => youtu.be/9Z_6Uoea_DI #FF1 #NES #OldGame #CRT #ファイナルファンタジー1 #ファミコン #レトロゲーム #ドット絵 #ブラウン管
45 83 i never got to finish my astos love letter earlier in the year 22/09/30 09:59
i never got to finish my astos love letter earlier in the year
27 48 FFO: Strangers of Paradise com. Astos 🥀 22/08/30 08:40
FFO: Strangers of Paradise com. Astos 🥀
57 116 (Astos/Jack) Bump. 22/05/02 10:54
(Astos/Jack) Bump.
0 7 #Inktober2021 Day 15: #Helmet. "No, we must not remove it. Because this is the legendary tale of Astos the Fair, the Maiden-Knight, and not a man who concealed his scarred face behind a shining mask." #Inktober #Krita #digitalart #ArtistOnTwitter 21/10/15 23:33
#Inktober2021 Day 15: #Helmet. "No, we must not remove it. Because this is the legendary tale of Astos the Fair, the Maiden-Knight, and not a man who concealed his scarred face behind a shining mask." #Inktober #Krita #digitalart #ArtistOnTwitter
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