Meet Anyka "#Nyx", one of Orokin's greatest (and drunkest) brains. With her smarts she could take on the origin system by herself! ...were she ever on time or in the mood #warframeArt#BeforeFrame#Warframe
It's been a couple of years since my humanframe designs and since then we've gotten so much new information so I decided to rework some Beforeframe designs to reflect that. Meet updated Khora! #warframefanart#warframe
"A moment of peace" 🌤️🌼 Bedouin Baruuk and his Tenno companion. I imagined the setting to be a peaceful time during the Orokin era, where they share a beautiful afternoon. (The bedouin skin is one of my faves but I'm too lazy to render!!) #Warframe#warframefanart#beforeframe