“Northern Latitude” #watercolor on #fabrianopaper, was one of my favorites from a show “Mountainscapes” quite a few years ago @brframeworks / Sets a reflective winter mood for transition to a new year (and decade!) #watercolour #pintura #aquarelle #weswaugh
“Parkway Evening” #watercolor #archespaper #fabriano #landscapepainting #watercolorpainting #watercolour #weswaugh #boonenc #blowingrocknc @CheapJoesArt #americanjourneypaint
“The only way to see Mt. Mitchell or any of the vast wonderland of the Black Mountains was to go afoot, picking one’s way through the eternal twilight of virgin forest along ancient trails...” C. Hodges Mathis #watercolor #weswaugh #mtmitchell #landscapepainting
New Pen-ink/Watercolors now at Blowing Rock Frameworks & Gallery @brframeworks #watercolor #penandwatercoloursketch #ncartists #weswaugh #boonenc #micronpen #americanjourneywatercolor #landscapewatercolor #grandfathermountain #blowingrocknc
A new pen-ink-watercolor wash of “Grandfather Mountain View from Blue Ridge Parkway” south.on Kilamanjaro paper from @CheapJoesArt w/ #americanjourneywatercolor going to @brframeworks #ncartists #weswaugh #boonenc #grandfathermountain #watercolor #mixedmedia
“Linville Gorge” 140cp coldpress #fabrianopaper #watercolor #watercolorpainting #americanjourneywatercolor #weswaugh #boonenc @CheapJoesArt #landscapepainting
“Elk Park Schoolhouse” 140cp Hotpress #fabrianopaper #watercolor approach #watercolorpainting #americanjourneywatercolor #weswaugh #boonenc @CheapJoesArt #landscapepainting
A new pen-ink-watercolor wash of Grandfather Mountain Profile on Kilamanjaro paper from @cheapjoesartstuff w/ #americanjourneywatercolor going to @brframeworks #ncartists #weswaugh #boonenc #grandfathermountain #watercolor #penandwatercoloursketch #mixedmedia
“New River Valley” Wet-into-wet approach #watercolor #grandfathermountain #americanjourneywatercolor #weswaugh #boonenc @CheapJoesArt #landscapepainting
Wet-into-wet #watercolor approach #grandfathermountain #americanjourneywatercolor #weswaugh #boonenc @CheapJoesArt #landscapepainting
"All truly great thoughts are conceived by walking."..Friedrich Nietzsche #watercolor #landscapepainting #ncartists #weswaugh #americanjourneywatercolor @CheapJoesArt / original available @brframeworks
“Profile View with Pine, Grandfather Mountain” pen & ink w/ #watercolor #landscapepainting #sketchbookdrawing #ncartists #weswaugh #boonenc #americanjourneywatercolor #grandfathermtn #grandfathermountain @CheapJoesArt
Profile on #hotpresspaper #watercolor with #sumiink #grandfathermountain @grandfathermtn #ncartists #weswaugh #boonenc
Snow on the Sleeping Giant, Helena Montana #watercolor #fabrianopaper @cheapjoesartstuff #americanjourneypaint #weswaugh #boonenc
“Calloway Peak from Grandfather Trail” #watercolor #landscapepainting #ncartists #weswaugh #boonenc #pintura #watercolour #watercolorpainting #grandfathermountain #ncstateparks
“A liquid quality in watercolor is important. Understanding of this is your first long step in the direction of facility with watercolor, which is mostly control of washes.” Edgar A. Whitney “Bridge in Alaska” #watercolorpainting #watercolor #weswaugh @CheapJoesArt #boonenc
“Tree Portrait Green Knob Trail” #watercolor #fabrianopaper #americanjourneywatercolor @CheapJoesArt #ncartists #weswaugh #boonenc
Profile Study Square #grandfathermountain … square framed compositions can be tricky from a design standpoint, but allow for more symmetry of major shapes as long as dynamic movement is maintained. Makes sense, right? 😆👁 #tuesdaymorning #watercolor #landscapepainting #weswaugh
“Baird Farm Valle Crucis” detail #watercolor #landscapepainting #vallecrucis #americanjourneywatercolor @cheapjoesartstuff #ncartists #weswaugh #boonenc
“Flat Rock Profile Trail” #grandfathermountain #watercolor #landscapepainting #americanjourneywatercolor @CheapJoesArt #ncartists #weswaugh #boonenc
“Log Jam Green Knob Trail” #blowingrocknc #watercolor #landscapepainting #hotpress #ncartists #weswaugh #boonenc #americanjourneywatercolors @CheapJoesArt
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