I wanted to say thanks to my staff for Vesper Birthday via art! It was an absolute honor to work with such talented and hardworking people, and just be a part of such a monumental project! Anyways, thank you all 47 Staff Vesties!! UEUEUEUEUE 🖤 #Vestfriends #VespART #Vespernoir
Today is the LAST day to get your birthday wish and/or art in for the Vesper Noir Guest Book gift! 今日はノワール・ヴェスパーのゲストブックのために、誕生日のメッセージとアートを投稿する締め切りです! 💌forms.gle/MSsoysGQdmr8wm… #VesperNoir #VespART #vestfriends #holotempus
Under one week until the Guest Book closes! Send in your birthday wishes, love and art for Vesper!! 📅 Closes Jan 30, 11:59 pm CST 💌docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAI… #vespernoir #VespART #vestfriends #vespernoir #holotempus
Vesties! 🦇 Final Stretch!! The final Vesper birthday gift is a Bulletin Board of Vestie Fun Facts! He wants to learn about us, so let's deliver! It's easy & short, send a (140 character) fun fact about yourself! ✉️forms.gle/Cm3FZVMbfZPvMM… #VespART #Vesfriends #VesperNoir
The Guild Hall sure is noisy today! What's that? New recruits to #holoTEMPUS?! New Guild Cards coming soon!? Let's build a Guild Card for the Vesties too! All info will be used for the Powerpoint Presentation! 📜🖋️ - tinyurl.com/3vezkbch #VespART #Vesfriends #VesperNoir
Happy New Year!! 🎉🎊📗 Today is the last day for applying to the Teacup Catalog! This is the last art-centric gift project open for the (new) year so don't miss out! More info & app here! vespernoirbday2023.carrd.co #VespART #Vesfriends #VesperNoir
We're now accepting birthday wishes and art for Vespers birthday! Open to anyone 💜 Please spread the word so we can spoil Nowa-Oji with love!! 📅 Closes Jan 30, 11:59 pm CST forms.gle/WkHVyyUKssVDwD… #vespernoir #VespART #vestfriends
Another important reminder! ❗️❗️❗️ Applications to take part in the Teacup Catalog Gift close in ONE WEEK! RT to help us spread the word!! 🖤🦇📗 More info here! vespernoirbday2023.carrd.co #VespART #Vesfriends #VesperNoir
Vesties! ❗️❗️❗️ Only 6 days left to apply to take part in the Adventure Scrapbook for Vesper's birthday! RT to spread the word!! 🖤🦇📗 More info here! vespernoirbday2023.carrd.co #VespART #Vesfriends #VesperNoir
Welcome back Vesper!!!🖤📗 Let's plan to shower him with even more love for his birthday with the various projects we have in the works! For more information, please join the server below! #vespart #Vesfriends #vespernoir discord.gg/CQCR2Q9get
Calling Vestie Artists! We're hosting a Teacup Catalog where you can design a teacup for Vesper! We have pre-made cups you can decorate too!🖤 Optionally, full illustrations are also welcome! Join us and learn more at discord.gg/CQCR2Q9get #vespart #Vesfriends #vespernoir
Greetings Vesties! The PowerPoint Team is recruiting! Do you like Nowa-Oji like, A LOT and know everything about him? Enjoy organization, data, graphs, etc?? This is the project for you! Join us in the discord! discord.gg/CQCR2Q9get #vespart #Vesfriends #vespernoir
Vesties! We're looking for two different cover artists for our two fan-book projects, the Adventure Scrapbook and Teacup Catalog! Join the Discord server and reach out to the project heads! discord.gg/CQCR2Q9get Deadline is Nov 13, 11:59 PT! #vespart #Vesfriends #vespernoir
Calling all Vesties! Preparation for Vesper's birthday has begun over on the Tempus Project server! Find out more Birthday project information here! discord.gg/CQCR2Q9get #vespart #Vesfriends #vespernoir
My first Vtuber cosplay!! 🖤 Vesmamaaaa 🦇 the book is hollow to double as a purse!! #Vesfriends #VespART #vespernoir #holotempus
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