For the 30th/penultimate #Inktober #thesecretbeautycomic, The Michigan State Strikers prepare for their next soccer game by gathering together all of their: Gear!
For the 29th #thesecretbeautycomic of this year's #Inktober, Lamarr and Lisa accidentally break a window. What else can you say except: Uh-Oh!
And now, for the 28th #thesecretbeautycomic for this year's #Inktober event, River and her family go: Camping!
For the 27th #thesecretbeautycomic for this year's #Inktober event, River and Russell decide to spend a cool autumn afternoon under a tree, and as they watch the leaves fall, they try to enjoy a delicious: Snack!
And now for this, the 26th #Inktober #thesecretbeautycomic, Jessica discovers that Stewart has a very, very big: Ego!
In the 25th #thesecretbeautycomic for this year's #inktober, Lamarr and Lisa find some Halloween cookies their Dad has baked and they find them all too: Tempting!
It's the 24th #thesecretbeautycomic for this year's #inktober and Petunia shows her crush, Russell, her Halloween costume. She is of course dresding up as a: Fairy.
Here now is the 22nd #Inktober #thesecretbeautycomic, in which Melanie and Frankie don some ski masks and with bags in hand go on a Halloween Candy: Heist.
And now for the 21st #Inktober #thesecretbeautycomic, River sees that the usually sweet and adorable, Sam is being a very: Bad Dog.
It's the 20th #thesecretbeautycomic for 2022's #Inktober and for it, Frankie takes Jessica to the top of a giant, rocky: Bluff.
For the 19th #thesecretbeautycomic for this year's #Inktober, a frog that lives at The Secret Beauty decides to hang onto Jessica's: Ponytail!
For the 18th #Inktober #thesecretbeautycomic, Russell scores the winning goal at his team's latest Soccer game, but the price is that he ends up with his knee having a big: Scrape.
We are halfway through #inktober, and for the 16th #thesecretbeautycomic, Petunia shares with Melanie a portrait of a fine, feathered: Fowl.
It's Day 15 of #Inktober, and for today's #thesecretbeautycomic, River and Sam discover on their walk, an: Armadillo.
For this, the 14th #Inktober #thesecretbeautycomic, Petunia needs to paint something Red for art class, but each paint jar is 100 percent: Empty!
It's time for the 13th #Inktober #thesecretbeautycomic, this time starring Russell and River with the word: Kind.
Lamarr seems to have misplaced his favorite Soccer ball in this, the 12th #Inktober #thesecretbeautycomic: Forget.
And now for the 11th #Inktober #thesecretbeautycomic, River and Russell see flying above them, a majestic: Eagle!
For the tenth #Inktober #thesecretbeautycomic stars Frankie, who witnesses Jessica being very, very: Crabby.
Continuing off yesterday's #comic, the 8th #Inktober #thesecretbeautycomic features River and Russell, now wearing clothes that: Match.
And now for the 5th #inktober #thesecretbeautycomic, River and Russell sit back and get nice and cozy next to a warm: Flame.
Lamarr and Lisa go to the beach and discover an entire family there in the fourth #inktober #thesecretbeautycomic: Scallop.
For the third #Inktober #thesecretbeautycomic entry, Jessica, Frankie and Melanie are at the park and what do they see up in a tree? A little sleepy: Bat!
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