The final projects for our MS cosplay unit have exceeded all of my expectations. These are so fun. Also the Snoopy dog house is to scale for her little brother’s stuffed snoopy. #cosplay #makerspace #kispride
Students were busy at work in the makerspace today on their cosplay/props projects. It’s fun controlled chaos. #cosplay #makerspace #kispride
What happens when you: a. Loose a lot of weight b. Join a #makerspace? You seriously up your #cosplay game! After several months, here is a #cosplayglowup of my first cosplay #Ninjor from #MightyMorphinPowerRangers! Check the end for my #weightloss comparison!
Here is Madison in her Halloween costume showing us the "axe of peace" she made at the Manchester Makerspace. It was made from laser cut EVA foam, PVC pipe and acrylic paint. #makerspace #diy #cosplay #halloween #kids
Student’s cosplay/Halloween/props are really coming together. I’m excited w/ how involved students have been. #makerspace #cosplay #kispride #halloween2021
I love the smell of XPS foam in the morning. My students are right back at it. Props are starting to take shape. #makerspace #cosplay #kispride
Student’s Cosplay projects are starting to take shape. I’m excited this new unit is going well so far. I need to buy more XPS foam. #cosplay #makerspace #kispride
Starting building the cosplay project today. Students have been planning and are now learning the joys of mod podge, XPS foam, and hot wire cutters. #makerspace #design #cosplay
We are starting our next unit: Cosplay / crafting. I brought in two experts to talk to my class. Jay Sims cosplay master, and Nathan Kellar tabletop gaming pro. It was awesome. #cosplay #tabletopgaming #MakerSpace #kispride
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