"Among all my blurred memories, the ones where you smile are the clearest, even warmer than this terrible, oppressing summer." I know it's no time for sunflowers but they are my fav flower so yeah (?) #identityVイラスト #edluca #edgarvalden #lucabalsa #第五人格
Luca w that ugly plushie from his concept designs inspiration images because it’s so him actually #LucaBalsa #IdentityV #identityVイラスト #IDV
Happy birthday Uca wishing you a very peaceful decoding without being first kite #ルカ・バルサー誕生日2023 #identityVイラスト #identityv #Lucabalsa
2023.7.10 Happy birthday Luca~((o(*>ω<*)o))🎉✨ #LucaBalsa #IdentityV #弟五人格 #ルカ・バルサー誕生日2023 #ルカ・バルサー誕生祭2023
"May you find something, or someone, you'll be able to love more than that dream" HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO LUCA BALSA!! Let's all wish him a great time and the best of luck for his invention! #ルカ・バルサー誕生日2023 #identityVイラスト #lucabalsa #VALE
except for his collar, he's always sm fun to draw, I love him #IdentityV #identityVイラスト #IdentityVfanart #IDVFanart #idv #lucabalsa #lucabalsafanart
i love them in their coa skins <3 #IdentityV #idvpostman #idvprisoner #lucabalsa #victorgrantz
หลังจบการถ่ายโฆษณาคุณอัลวาก็โดนเหล่าเซอร์ให้กำลังใจ 💖 #alvalorenz #lucabalsa #luckyguy #naib #EliClark #IdentityVFanart
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