I drew a short Legatus 505 webtoon for fuuchan’s meet & greet!! I was so excited and nervous to show him 😭😭😭😭 but i had so much fun drawing it! You can read the full webtoon here: webtoons.com/en/challenge/5… #NoctyxImpulse #Legatus505 #Legartus
Noctyx Psyborg I Gakuen Life OC ver sensei Fulgur CN @CoserLea student Uki CN @mikki_kairi 📷 KennTee #Legatus505 #Legatus #Fulgurlicious #Artchivist #cosplay #FulgurOvid
#Artchivist #Legartus #Legatus505 #AlbanKnoxArt Thank you for "Legatus 505 - Part 3"! I took a small part of it and made a fanart , I hope you and the rest of the Comfydants will enjoy it! 在评论中还有 "附加内容"👀如果你能看懂它,恭喜你! 你已经30岁了🎉🎉🎉
I was able to work with awesome Sheeps on Fuucord's "39 Project". Thank you for letting me join and please support all the artists! ^^ You can watch the "39 || Thank you AMV" here: youtu.be/zJpxuQcvAfc #39MyOsheep #Legartus #Artchivist #Legatus505 #Comfydants
[I draw fuuchan because he's not streaming] Theme: Ovidia #Artchivist #Legartus #FulGallery #Legatus505 After chapter 5 I don't think Ovidia is a happy girl 🥲
#Legartus #Legatus505 #Artchivist Chapter 5: Family Roots (ft. what I think mama ovid looks like + ovidia) please excuse the missing details, i was running with the power of the 5 stages of grief drawing this 😭😭😭😭
I'm struggling to get used to my new pen tablet😭 らくがき! Looking forward to the night. #Artchivist #Legartus #Legatus505
#FulGallery #Legatus505 R🔴G⚪️B⚫️ - Legatus505 Ch.3 / Missed the fan share stream, SAD 🥲 沒趕上腐老師評圖,悲。
i wanted to write something deep here.. but my head stopped working lol i just want to say thanks to fufu and comfydants for being who they are. i truly love this community and i feel bad for not being able to express my feelings in words #Fulgurlicious #FulGallery #Legatus505
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