0 3 The dragon babies are finished. Adding them to the dress next. I still have a lot more to add around this piece when I stitch it to the dress. Stay tuned! ___ #rhaenyratargaryen #rhaenyra #rhaenyratargaryencosplay #houseofthedragon #houseofthedragoncosp… instagr.am/p/Cm8BfI5sPMw/ 23/01/03 13:25
The dragon babies are finished. Adding them to the dress next. I still have a lot more to add around this piece when I stitch it to the dress. Stay tuned! ___ #rhaenyratargaryen #rhaenyra #rhaenyratargaryencosplay #houseofthedragon #houseofthedragoncosp… instagr.am/p/Cm8BfI5sPMw/
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