After a lifetime of searching, Alfred has finally found a piece of wood he can’t bear to chuck. #RockGarden #ChalkArt #woodchuck #stick #keeper
The Fourth Street Flora & Fauna Association (<10cm chapter) gathers for a short meeting. #StreetArt #ChalkArt #AnamorphicArt #flagstone #graffemera #mouse #sapling #AllianceOfTheSmall
Alice is a senior research fellow in the field of extramural amusement. #StreetArt #ChalkArt #graffemera #LabRat #playground #supervisor
"Nadine Counsels the Hadjery Bird," chalk & charcoal on a concrete slab that used to have a bench attached to it. #StreetArt #ChalkArt #mouse #bird #PlumageInsecurities
Clem begins each day by standing tall and gargling at the universe. #PublicArt #ChalkArt #graffemera #nailhead #mouse #tongue
Rodney would have sung his battle song from farther away if he had known his opponent had legs. #StreetArt #ChalkArt #RockGarden #sleeping #cat #bold #rat #hubris
Sometimes it’s best to let your friends make up their own minds (and faces). #StreetArt #ChalkArt #TinyRobot #SelfMadeMood #HealthyOutlet
Claude’s default mood is "agape.” #StreetArt #ChalkArt #StoneWall #Pareidolia #Astonished #Snail #GastropAwed
The "Reaching for Spring" principle: don't let the snow at your feet distract you from what's blooming overhead. #StreetArt #ChalkArt #gremlin #daffodil #anticipation
Beware the crafty camouflage skills of Celeste, the Lop-Eared Bandit. #StreetArt #ChalkArt #graffemera #AugmentedPareidolia #Bunny #Hero #Rabbandit
Nadine and the Adventure of the Gifted Legume #StreetArt #ChalkArt #Graffemera #Footprint #Pareidolia #Prodigious #Peanut
Steve has decided to switch up his formal look with more of a business casual thing. #StreetArt #ChalkArt #Graffemera #Penguin #NeverFeltTheBowTieLife
March comes in like a lion, goes out like a lamb, and spends three days as a happy gerbil in a box of glitter. #StreetArt #ChalkArt #Graffemera #SeasonsChange
My neighborhood is under the fierce and watchful protection of El Cachorro Azul. #StreetArt #ChalkArt #graffemera #pareidolia #WaterCapWrestler #BrokenYetHeroic
Ethel always needs reassurance during the first cold snap in March. #StreetArt #ChalkArt #OffTheSidewalk #AugmentedPareidolia #SeasonalAnxiety
The Subtle Emergence of the Painterly Pollo #StreetArt #ChalkArt #OffTheSidewalk #BrokenBrick #ArtisticChicken
At 11 hours, sidewalk chalk for PEACEMAKER is complete! 🕊🕊🕊🎨🎨🎨 #Peacemaker #Vigilante #Harcourt #adebayo #economos #murn #eagly #judomaster #sidewalkchalk #chalkart #chalk @JamesGunn @JohnCena @freddiestroma @thedanieb @jennlholland @steveagee @itsnhutle @robertpatrickT2
First meeting of the Ashley Street support group for small impossibilities. #StreetArt #ChalkArt #graffemera #pigasus #hippogriffiti
Bert has traded in his migratory habits for extra woolly plumage and it’s going pretty well. #StreetArt #ChalkArt #graffemera #bigcoat #birb #staycation
Tess’ motto is “little feet, big feats.” #StreetArt #ChalkArt #graffemera #tightrope #rabbit #InTheGroove
Marla’s maxim is “see no winter, hear no winter, feel no winter.” #StreetArt #ChalkArt #SeasonalDenial
Nadine and the Hibernal Expedition #StreetArt #ChalkArt #graffemera #WinterAdventure #DandelionFluffParka
Nadine and the Dry-Footed Crossing #StreetArt #ChalkArt #Graffemera #Mouse #SeaMonster #Assistance
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