いい加減海外の会社に日本の作品を任せるのはやめてほしいですな..特に #ネットフリックス Japan have to stop letting western studios get their hands on japanese series...especially to #Netflix #悪魔城ドラキュラ #キャッスルヴァニア #Castlevania #CastlevaniaNocturne
this idea's been on my mind for a while ✨️ #TRIGUNSTAMPEDE #Castlevania twitter.com/akiakuvw/statu…
HER SWORD HAS ENTERED CHAT!! #castlevania #striga #castlevaniacosplay #MomoCon2023 twitter.com/jazzthebat/sta…
Carmilla as Ventress somehow just ... feels right. 😄 Happy early May the 4th everyone! #Castlevania x #StarWars
Your father's lightsaber... An elgant weapon, for a more civilized age. #Castlevania x #StarWars
Here's my 2023(L) version of the 2011(R) Alucard design. It was a lot but it had good bones :D. #castlevania #alucard #characterdesign #fanart twitter.com/Mindyleedoodle…
Vibing to emotional music cool down sketch in progress. #alucard #castlevania #characterdesign #fanart
I actually had Alucard next to D when I was designing him. I wanted the two designs to speak with each other. There's still work needed to get them in the same world but shapewise it's getting there. #castlevania #vampirehunterd #alucard #characterdesign #fanart
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