1 15 JAMESTOBER 9/31 ENG.: “Listen to them, the children of the night. What sweet music they make!” . PORT.: “Ouça-os, as crianças da noite! Que doce música elas fazem!” #dracula #bramstockersdracula #vampire #fanart #digitober #drawtober #drawlloween #ipadpro #procreate 22/10/22 22:42
JAMESTOBER 9/31 ENG.: “Listen to them, the children of the night. What sweet music they make!” . PORT.: “Ouça-os, as crianças da noite! Que doce música elas fazem!” #dracula #bramstockersdracula #vampire #fanart #digitober #drawtober #drawlloween #ipadpro #procreate
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