wizpeppybleachtober2022 - Day 5: Nnoitra Gilga & #bloomtober- Day 5: ayahuasca 🌸 I combined the art challenge by @WizPeppy at IG & the one by thepigeonletters at IG #nnoitragilga #ノイトラ・ジルガ #bleach #ブリーチ #inktober
wizpeppybleachtober2022 - Day 1: Coyote Starrk & #bloomtober- Day 1: mandrake 🌸 I combined the art challenge by @WizPeppy at IG & the one by thepigeonletters at IG #coyotestarrk #コヨーテ・スターク #bleach #ブリーチ #inktober
Well October is here and watching @wakeupbrandon start on his #inktober prompts I thought I’d try #bloomtober from @pigeonletters. I’m playing catch-up so here is Day 1- Mandrake. I have no idea what I’m doing but I’m having fun learning and practicing reference sketching.
Today is a silly quick one… I wasn’t inspired by #flame on the #inktober list or #ayahuasca on the #bloomtober list, so it’s #wookieewallaby from the #botober list!!
🌿Climbing Oleander☠️ ~Strophanthus gratus~ is a woody vine native to W.Tropical Africa. Another dangerous beauty (aka the Poison Arrow Vine) and a relative of Nerium Oleander, all parts of the plant are toxic containing cardiac glycosides. #bloomtober #toxicplants #watercolor
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