Yoshitaka Amano’s art is inspiring and it’s helping me improve as an artist, since I resonated with it instantly! This is the direction the art of Rauch will take in the future 🎉 #rauchmanga #amano #vampirehunterd
I actually had Alucard next to D when I was designing him. I wanted the two designs to speak with each other. There's still work needed to get them in the same world but shapewise it's getting there. #castlevania #vampirehunterd #alucard #characterdesign #fanart
Here's another artchallenge with @leewagnerart . My take on Alucard in Vampire Hunter D's world. #castlevania #Alucard #vampirehunterd #artchallenge
Vampire Hunter D. I've seen Bloodlust countless times, the art and world is beautiful. #VampireHunterD #fanart
One day I'll own original Vampire Hunter D Bloodlust cels. One day. One....D. #vampirehunterd
This is the last time they are on a job together. (Spoiler it was not the last time) #vhd #vampirehunterd #castlevania
Gold vampire art challenge with @leewagnerart . #vampire #vampirehunterd #yoshitakaamano #artchallenge
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