Happy #selfiesaturday and #superherosaturday! Here’s my Sensational #SheHulk, off to meet up with the rest of the Fantastic Four for some adventures. Did you know that She-Hulk takes Ben’s place on the #FantasticFour for dozens of issues? #cosplay #marvel #marvelcomics #selfie
Happy #superherosaturday! I meant to post #SavageLandRogue yesterday for #Superhero Day to represent the #XMen, but I fell asleep. 😄😇 What’s on your schedule for today? It’s laundry day here. #rogue #cosplay #roguecosplay #xmen #xmencosplay #classicxmen @marvel #marvelcomics
Happy #superherosaturday! One of the things I love about Sue Richards is how much her character has evolved through the years. She’s fantastic as a cynical mom of 2 tired of cleaning up after everyone, even the X-Men. #suerichards #cosplay #fantasticfour #marvel @FantasticFour
Did someone mention #superherosaturday? Here’s my Silver Age Wonder Woman, ready to lasso the truth out of evildoers and tyrants. #wonderwoman #wonderwomancosplay #a2wonderwoman #a2miwonderwoman #classicwonderwoman #dianaofthemyscira #amazonprincess #dianaprince #dccomics
Happy #superherosaturday! Here’s a very appropriate #EmmaFrost! My area of Michigan has been without electricity since Wednesday, and I’m without water as well because my house is on well water. Think warm thoughts this way, please! #cosplay #xmen #xmencosplay #mutant #marvel
#Rogue is here for #savageland Saturday … or #superherosaturday if you prefer. My Valentine’s vacation is sadly coming to an end this weekend, then back to the ice and freezing temps of the US north. #cosplay #roguecosplay #classicrogue #xmen #xmencosplay #marvel #amhcosplays
Happy #superherosaturday! Heading off for a much-needed vacation but I will post as often as I have decent Internet! #wonderwoman #cosplay #a2miwonderwoman #a2wonderwoman #lyndacarter #lyndacarterwonderwoman #wonderwomanlyndacarter #dianaofthemyscira #amazonprincess #dccomics
It’s #superherosaturday and the Seventh Day of #Christmas… but today, you get one Christmas #BlackCanary instead of seven swimming swans! I had so much fun putting this #cosplay together. I just wish I’d completed her months ago so that I could share more photos! #dccomics
Getting into the holiday spirit with #PowerGirl for #superherosaturday! Who has snow? We got a sprinkle overnight. Enough to look frosty but not enough for the two cosplays I have that need snow! #cosplay #dccomics #dccomicscosplay #karenstarr #karazorl #krypton @DCComics
#SuperHeroSaturday and some #digitalart creations of some by me! Cheers! #DC #Marvel #superhero #comicbookart #Superman #Batman #Wolverine #CaptainAmerica #drawrick
Happy #superherosaturday! Since #Halloween in just around the corner, here’s a #superheroine who gets all but forgotten for 11 months of the year. #Vampirella has a LOT in common with Supergirl. Minus the outfit & the blood, that is! #cosplay #draculon #vampire @DynamiteComics
#EveWilkins pauses during her school day to pose for #superherosaturday. Does anyone know when the third season of @invincibletv will be out? #cosplay #eve #samanthaevewilkins #samanthaevewilkinscosplay #atomeve #invincible #invinciblecosplay #superheroine @InvincibleHQ
Happy #superherosaturday! Today we venture into the #Spiderverse with #Spiderwoman! #Marvel hasn’t given #JessicaDrew the attention she deserves — completely shut out of the #MCU despite being an #Avenger — so I’m more than happy to give her visibility! #cosplay @Marvel
Happy #superherosaturday! Okay, going back to bed now. Darned cats, always waking me up for their breakfast!! #shehulk #shehulkcosplay #green #hulk #marvel #marvelcomics #marvelcosplay #marvelcomicscosplay #jenniferwalters #jenwalters #lawyerjen #amhcosplays #cosplay
It’s #superherosaturday and every cosplayer has a #superhero photographer or two (or more) whose superpowers make us look amazing. Here I am with the awesome @FEdgePhoto , who takes the majority of my #cosplay photos. Give him a follow if you don’t already do so! #dccomics
@Lauren_A_Landa thank you for your generous donation to Superhero Saturday. I am humbled by your kindness. #superherosaturday #shs #cosplay #cosplayforacause
Majestia is back for #SuperHeroSaturday! Have you seen her on @BeMiraculousLB? You’ll need to pay close attention, since she pretty much only appears as a toy, poster, on pjs, on comic-book covers, & in mentions. She actually appears in the #Miraculous New York special. #cosplay
#Majestia is here for #superherosaturday! Although she only truly appears in the #MiraculousWorld: New York special where Marinette and her class go to New York, if you carefully watch episodes of #Miraculous, you’ll see Majestia in the background. #cosplay @BeMiraculousLB
Happy #superherosaturday! #BlackCanary is very much like Batman to me: trained in multiple martial arts and assassin arts by Ra’s al Ghul, fighting crime vigilante style… and then there is the Canary Cry. #cosplay #dccomics #dinahlance
It’s #superherosaturday again! These past 2 weeks have been spent getting things crossed off my to-do list, and that includes this Classic #Batgirl #cosplay. Talk about major redo! Now I just need pix of its new look! #barbaragordon #dccomics #dccosplay #dccomicscosplay
#SheHulk is here for #superherosaturday… and wants you to caption this photo! I mean, I know what’s about to happen on camera but would love to hear your caption ideas! Wig by @ardawigs Luthien in Olive Body paint by @mehronmakeup #cosplay #green #greengoddess #hulk #marvel
It’s Saturday again! Looking through my page, I seem to post a lot of She-Hulk & Supergirl for #superherosaturday. I’m therefore making today #sirensaturday and sharing the Queen of Gotham: #HarleyQuinn! I really need to watch the next season of her show…#cosplay @jac_herostime
Happy #superherosaturday! Here’s my #PowerGirl, as edited by the awesome @ramsdesign! Be sure to check his IG/FB for more of his amazing #cosplay edits. #dccomics #dccomicscosplay #karenstarr #karazorl #karazorlcosplay #krypton #a2wonderwoman
Happy weekend! It’s #superherosaturday so here’s a #SheHulk #selfie. But hey, it’s the weekend, so of course she’s in casual mode! I have so many She-#Hulk #cosplay WIPs so expect to see a lot more of the Jade Giantess this spring! #marvel #avengers #marvelcomics #marvelcosplay
Happy #superherosaturday! Sharing this awesome edit by @ramsdesign of my purple-headed #SheHulk. Be sure to check out his other edits on his Instagram… he’s terrific! #shehulkcosplay #green #hulk #marvel #avengers #marvelcomics #marvelcosplay #marvelcomicscosplay #cosplay
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