0 1 #Inktober day 7- #Fan- #RotomFan #inktober2021 #rotompokemon 21/10/07 19:41
#Inktober day 7- #Fan- #RotomFan #inktober2021 #rotompokemon
1 7 Rotom is an electric/ghost pokémon based in a poltergeist. It possesses electric devices and changes it's type and form when it does. Rotom becomes electric/flying in its fan form. #inktober #inktoberday7 #day7fan #drawing #pokemon #pokémon #rotom #fan #rotomfan #rotomforms 21/10/07 16:47
Rotom is an electric/ghost pokémon based in a poltergeist. It possesses electric devices and changes it's type and form when it does. Rotom becomes electric/flying in its fan form. #inktober #inktoberday7 #day7fan #drawing #pokemon #pokémon #rotom #fan #rotomfan #rotomforms
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