shooting some Ada on Sunday ❤️ I have not cosplayed her since the end of 2021 it's been a lil while for sure 😢😭 📷 #AdaWong #Cosplay #Cosplayphotography #ResidentEvil #ResidentEvil2 #ResidentEvil2Cosplay #ResidentEvil2Cosplay #2BCosplay #Cosplaying
More Ada coming this year ❤️👏 I can't wait 😂 hope everyone is ready for the spam lol 😊 📷 #AdaWong #Cosplay #Cosplayphotography #ResidentEvil #ResidentEvil2 #ResidentEvil2Cosplay #ResidentEvil2Cosplay #2BCosplay #Ada #ResidentEvil2Cosplayer
I have not uploaded any Ada in ages 😮❤️ yes i am cosplaying her new RE4 outfit 👏 just waiting for it all to arrive 😭 📷 #AdaWong #Cosplay #Cosplayphotography #ResidentEvil #ResidentEvil2 #ResidentEvil2Cosplay #ResidentEvil2Cosplay #2BCosplay
I have planned my cosplays for 2023 and of course, more ada is coming 💕👏 📷 #AdaWong #Cosplay #ResidentEvil #ResidentEvil2 #ResidentEvil2Cosplay #ResidentEvil2Cosplay #2BCosplay #Cosplaying #ResidentEvil2Cosplayer #ResidentEvil2AdaWongCosplay #2BCosplay
I am beyond hyped for this game👏 they did not disappoint 👏 📷 #AdaWong #Cosplay #Cosplayphotography #ResidentEvil #ResidentEvil2 #ResidentEvil2Cosplay #ResidentEvil2Cosplay #2BCosplay #Cosplaying #Ada #ResidentEvil2Cosplayer #ResidentEvil2AdaWongCosplay
And a lil one where I actually show my face. You know for variety. #ClaireRedfield #ClaireRedfieldcosplay #ResidentEvil #ResidentEvilcosplay #ResidentEvil2 #cosplay #ResidentEvil2cosplay
Little Miss obsessed with @michaeljackson 😍😂😘 📷 #AdaWong #Cosplay #Cosplayphotography #ResidentEvil #ResidentEvil2 #ResidentEvil2Cosplay #ResidentEvil2Cosplay #2BCosplay #Cosplaying #Ada #MichaelJackson #80s #80smusic #MJ
Claire Redfield - Resident Evil 2: Remake 🧟♂️🔫 Photo taken by @theAmnet #REBHFun #claireredfield #claireredfieldcosplay #residentevilcosplay #residentevil #residentevil2 #residentevil2remake #clairecosplay #residentevil2cosplay #Biohazard #biohazardcosplay @RE_Games
My love for these boots 👏❤️ of course i had to add them to this cosplay ❤️😍 Jill and Ada both share them now 🔥 📷 #AdaWong #Cosplay #Cosplayphotography #ResidentEvil #ResidentEvil2 #ResidentEvil2Cosplay #ResidentEvil2Cosplay #2BCosplay #Cosplaying #Ada
Claire Redfield - Resident Evil 2: Remake 🧟♂️🔫 Photo taken by @theAmnet #REBHFun #claireredfield #claireredfieldcosplay #residentevilcosplay #residentevil #residentevil2 #residentevil2remake #clairecosplay #residentevil2cosplay #Biohazard #biohazardcosplay @RE_Games
I said this in my story so i will say it here too 😅 if you are a photographer and wanna shoot with me just send me an inbox on instagram 🙂 📷 #AdaWong #Coslpay #Cosplayer #AdaWongCosplay #ResidentEvil2 #ResidentEvil2Cosplay #ResidentEvil2Ada #2BCosplay
one of my favourite photo's from the set !! ❤️💯 📷 #AdaWong #Coslpay #Cosplayer #AdaWongCosplay #ResidentEvil2 #ResidentEvil2Cosplay #ResidentEvil2Ada #2BCosplay
Just letting people know i will be reposting all my Ada Photo's from my studio shoot because i uploaded them in the wrong quality 😂😆 📷 #AdaWong #Coslpay #Cosplayer #AdaWongCosplay #ResidentEvil2 #ResidentEvil2Cosplay #ResidentEvil2Ada #2BCosplay
I don't know how but I swear I thought I uploaded all my Ada Photos from my 2019 shoot but I just found this one yesterday and turns out I had one more left 😂❤️ 📷 @volkphotography #AdaWong #AdaWongCosplay #Cosplayer #ResidentEvil #ResidentEvil2 #ResidentEvil2Cosplay
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