P 99: G: I don't think that's the real problem, Today you left all that behind to find your brother. And try to get him out of hiding. P: Goth that toast is for your brother === #GothSans #PaletteRoller #RavenSans #UndertaleAU #Sanscest #PothShip #PalettexGoth #JessyDS twitter.com/JessyDS17/stat…
¿Qué tipo de ave sería Goth? Un cuervo blanco What kind of bird would Goth be? A white raven === #UndertaleAU #GothDeath #GothSans #PaletteRoller #PothShip #PalettexGoth #JessyDS #Sanscest #EdgyStage #Afterdeath
Ya descanse suficiente, toca actualizar el cómic. G: ¿Cute girls? Oh palette we are in a comic Poth, you are the Cute girl. === #PaletteRoller #Gothdeath #PothShip #PalettexGoth #UndertaleAU #JessyDS #Sanscest
'Pastel' ¡Me acabo de dar cuenta que nunca había dibujado al hijo de Palette y Goth! 🍰 === #UndertaleAU #GothDeath #GothSans #PaletteRoller #PothShip #PalettexGoth #UndertaleAU #JessyDS #Sanscest #PastelSans #Afterdeath
'Just one Kiss 😏' === #PothShip #poth #PalettexGoth #PaletteRoller #Gothdeath #GothSans #Sanscest #JessyDS #UndertaleAU
'EDGYSWAP POTH' ¿What if Palette was the 'Edgy' instead of Goth? I can imagine him trying to act rebellious with a bad face only to get the people out of his way so he can pet a fluffy puppy haha. #PaletteRoller #Gothdeath #PothShip #PalettexGoth #UndertaleAU #JessyDS #Sanscest
Letter: Dear Dream, I am safe and my adventure started better than I imagined because Goth joined to my journey,¡I will not be alone! :) *The feather breaks* Palette: Oh stars... === #PaletteRoller #Gothdeath #poth #PothShip #PalettexGoth #UndertaleAU #JessyDS #Comic #Sanscest
🎄¡FELIZ NAVIDAD! 🎄 🎅¡MERRY CHRISTMAS!🎅 :D === #PaletteRoller #Gothdeath #PothShip #Navidad #MerryChristmas2022 #UndertaleAU #JessyDS #MerryXmas
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