Thought of the savannah for #InkedUpOct day 15 plain Got to try drawing Farigiraf for this one- it was a lot of fun! #graphitedraws #Pokemon #InkedUpOct2022 #inktober
Here's a lazy Slakoth for #InkedUpOct day 14 sloth Feeling like joining it in a nap today😁 #graphitedraws #Pokemon #InkedUpOct2022 #inktober
For #InkedUpOct day 13 forecast, I decided to take my time and learn something new! The most beautiful things are sometimes hidden in the fog #graphitedraws #Pokemon #InkedUpOct2022 #inktober
Galarian Mr. Mime coming in for #InkedUpOct day 12 gloves! I wanted to add him to last year's prompt for hand~ now they're a set😁 #graphitedraws #Pokemon #InkedUpOct2022 #inktober
Combined #InkedUpOct day 10 land day 11 torrid Caleb's Krokorok, Tanta, is enjoying her day in the desert heat #graphitedraws #Pokemon #InkedUpOct2022 #inktober
A muscular Magikarp has appeared for day 9 funny of #InkedUpOct I will always find this cosplay hilarious😆 #graphitedraws #Pokemon #InkedUpOct2022 #inktober
Gonna come back to day 8 tangle of #InkedUpOct for the sake of time Decided to add some onlooking Impidimp and Grimmsnarl to Zori's Glimwood Tangle adventure #graphitedraws #Pokemon #InkedUpOct2022 #inktober
Poliwag has snuck in for #InkedUpOct day 7 "impostor" #graphitedraws #Pokemon #InkedUpOct2022 #inktober
Sadly I haven't had a chance to work on day 6 "react" of #InkedUpOct I'm part of a wedding party this weekend so things are a tad crazy rn #graphitedraws #InkedUpOct2022 #inktober
Running behind, but a few Wooper found a kettle for #InkedUpOct day 5 utensil #graphitedraws #Pokemon #InkedUpOct2022 #inktober
Here's Froslass guarding Scizor in Crevice Cave for day 4 of #InkedUpOct #graphitedraws #Pokemon #InkedUpOct2022 #inktober
Day 2 of #InkedUpOct is "Fresh" A bit sad the Fresh Water trinkets that came with a water type didn't make it to the US- they were just so cute!🥰 #graphitedraws #Pokemon #InkedUpOct2022 #inktober
Got another outline done today~ I'm REALLY excited to ink this one next month! #graphitedraws #Pokemon #InkedUpOct #inktober
Outline for day 4 of #InkedUpOct is done! Decided to do a #Pokémon Mystery Dungeon drawing~ Crevice Cave anyone? #graphitedraws #InkedUpOct2022 #inktoberalternative #inktober
No closeup today- nope, it's the whole picture! Here's the outline for "step" Realized I was doing ALL the work before #InkedUpOct even began~ now I'm doing the basics so they'll be ready to ink next month #graphitedraws #Pokemon #InkedUpOct2022 #inktoberalternative #inktober
Another closeup sneak peek for the Inktober alternative #InkedUpOct Can't wait to share the whole piece with y'all next month! #graphitedraws #InkedUpOct2022 #inktober #inktoberalternative
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