Я да я люблю доттолиз И что вы мне сделаете? М? #GenshinImpact #Genshinfanart #Dottore #LisaMinci #Dottolisa
Reveling at the idea of Dottore having to attend diplomatic parties in (one) person now 🤭 The knights make calculated moves to subtly poke fun at him. #dottolisa #genshinimpact #lisaminci #dottore
#dottolisa piece now in progress Ft webttore being annoyed by his gf who is clearly out of his league #Genshinlmpact #genshinimpactart #genshinimpactfanart
"Двух былых врагов Не узнать теперь Оба так нежны, оба смущены Красавица и зверь"© Lisa📖– @Jenna_Malfoy Dottore😈 – @wisekumagoro #Dottore #ildottore #lisaminci #lisa #dottolisa #lisattore #GenshinImpact #cosplay
Two of the Akademiya’s most attractive students walking to their next class #GenshinImpact #dottolisa
hc Dottore had an unintimidating smile that he was embarrassed about in the past #GenshinImpact #dottolisa
Love me-love me-love me More than you possibly can It’s not that complicated No matter what they say You’ll never meet another me #dottore #fatui #GenshinImpact #cosplay #genshinimpactcosplay #ildottore #dottolisa #lisa #lisagenshin
он до сих пор хранит это фото у себя в лаборатории __________________ #GenshinImpact #Dottore #LisaMinci #DottoLisa
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