Bumper monsters going for the beach sticker lining. 🏖️ #BumperMonsters #OC #AnimeOC #illustration #cooloc #バンパーブロック #イラスト
Sure thing it’s up in the mountains. But as for Phungus, he prefers riding Snowboarding! 🏂 sounds Fun! #BumperMonsters #OC #cooloc #cuteart #illustration #バンパーブロック #イラスト
Planning for the Valentines Day party event. They’re just thinking what Valentine gifts that they’re planning for, and who to give? Well see how it goes. 💝 #BumperMonsters #cooloc #OC #illustration #cuteart #ValentinesDay2023 #バンパーブロック #イラスト
Ami and Snowball-girl are teaming on They’re own secret Santa. Team Snowflakes ❄️🎄 #BumperMonsters #illustration #Illustrator #cuteart #OC #cooloc #AnimeOC #Christmas #christmas2022 #バンパーブロック #イラスト #クリスマス
It’s the First Day of December! It’s now Snowing outside, and freezing cold. Norman feels a little bit cold. But at least he wears comfy Christmas sweater. #BumperMonsters #illustration #cuteart #OC #cooloc #MothOC #christmas2022 #バンパーブロック #イラスト
On your Bith Month. Which Bumper Monster, are you going to hang with? “Answer in the comments below.” #BumperMonsters #illustration #illustrator #cuteart #cooloc #OC #BirthdayMonth #AnimeOC #RobotOC #イラスト #バンパーブロック
Happy Halloween everyone! 🎃 Bumper Monster’s Halloween Party 2022. Is now Here! 👻👻👻👻👻 #BumperMonsters #Halloween2022 #Halloween #illustration #cuteart #OC #cooloc #バンパーブロック #ハロウィン #イラスト
To Nights Trick or treating Bumper Monsters is, “Norman and Ellie.” However these two are so wicked in costumes. Get ready for the 31st. 🎃 #BumperMonsters #illustration #OC #Halloween2022 #cuteart #mothman #cooloc #バンパーブロック #イラスト #ハロウィン
To nights trick or treating Bumper Monster Team is “Coraline and Valentina!” These two will Go around in the Neighborhood, to get 👻 #BumperMonsters #Illustrations #Illustrator #OC #cooloc #cuteart #AnimeOC #Halloween2022 #バンパーブロック #イラスト #ハロウィン
Akira’s Vampire form is super Awesome! Pretty much that this is his Halloween costume. But as a Shadow man vampire Bumper Monster. 🎃👻🎃 #BumperMonsters #illustraion #illustrator #OC #AnimeOC #Halloween2022 #cooloc #バンパーブロック #イラスト
Two of the legendary Bumper Monster’s from Ruby and Sapphire Gems. Hotaru and Rainbowbot are so cute in They’re costumes. 😁🎃👻 #BumperMonsters #illustraion #illustrator #OC #cooloc #AnimeOC #cuteart #Halloween2022 #バンパーブロック #イラスト
Ooo very Scary. 👻 Phungus And Caspur are trick or treating around the Neighborhood, and the Halloween Festival. 🎃 #BumperMonsters #illustraion #illustrator #OC #Halloween2022 #cuteart #cooloc #バンパーブロック #イラスト
Back for more Halloween Bumper Monster’s 2022. First B. monster in costume is “Coraline.” 🎃👻🎃 #BumperMonsters #illustrator #illustraion #OC #cooloc #AnimeOC #cuteart #バンパーブロック #イラスト
New Bumper Monster. Name: Tito. Age: 10. Rank: C. Special Weapon: Boomerang. Favorite food: Sweets. Location: Horror City. Specie: Wizard dragon. Tribe: Cryptid. #BumperMonsters #Illustrations #Illustrator #Cuteart #OC #cooloc #DragonOC #wizardoc #バンパーブロック #イラスト
Norman vs Dr. Nicotine. The story Arc is coming in the few more days. Stay tuned for more. #BumperMonsters #illustration #OC #cooloc #monsteroc #Alienoc #Mothman #バンパーブロック #イラスト
BB’s World is going to have a remastered. The story will be different, and the state show of the Holiday Arc, will be the same. #BumperMonster #AnimeOC #illustration #CoolOC #OC #cuteart #MonsterOC #holidays #バンパーブロック #イラスト
Yo! I want to say Happy Birthday to @ajmarekart Have a wonderful awesome day. #BumperMonster #illustration #FANART #cooloc #OC
Wow. Ellie remove her helmet? ♠️ “I did explain fun facts about her. But only on my Instagram page. Please check it out.” #BumperMonster #OC #cooloc #cuteart #illustration #MonsterOC #FlatwoodsMonster #AnimeOC #バンパーブロック #イラスト
Here’s the last gem from Series 3, Fluorite. Element: Music. Emotions: Sad. Unique: Defense. Located in Ice Cream City. Legendary B. Monster: Bear. #BumperMonster #illustration #cuteart #OC #cooloc #Gemstones #Fluorite #CrystalGem #バンパーブロック #イラスト
Bumper Gemstone Series 3. Now I’m finally reviewing the Prequels gems. Starting off with Malachite, a series 3 Gem. It’s an Element Wind Gem. 💎 #BumperMonster #Illustration #OC #cooloc #MonsterOC #Gem #Crystal #Malachite #バンパーブロック #イラスト
It’s been like one Year since I remember drawing Coraline the American Mermaid. I believe she’s now a main character, in Yellow’s Team. #BumperMonster #AnimeOC #OC #cooloc #Illustration #cuteart #Mermaid #MonsterOC #バンパーブロック #イラスト
Well guys. Tonight is the “Strawberry Super Moon.” 🌝🍓🌝 Phungus is taking a look of the view, of this rarely Pink Moon. #BumperMonster #StrawberryMoon #moon #Illustration #cooloc #OC #cuteart #MonsterOC #バンパーブロック #イラスト
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