861 3496 Watched Prey a few days ago. It was AWESOME. What @DannyTRS and crew have made is perhaps the best Predator movie since the original. Thought it'd make for a fun crossover with Primal #predator #preymovie #primal #primalfanart #spear #fang #TyrannosaurusRex #trex #feralpredator 22/08/18 11:54
Watched Prey a few days ago. It was AWESOME. What @DannyTRS and crew have made is perhaps the best Predator movie since the original. Thought it'd make for a fun crossover with Primal #predator #preymovie #primal #primalfanart #spear #fang #TyrannosaurusRex #trex #feralpredator
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