Raging bolt, the name by which this sauropod that emerged from Area Zero is known, seems to bear an uncanny resemblance to a certain legendary creature #pokemon #PokemonScarletViolet #pokemonpresents #ragingbolt #raikou #NintendoSwitch twitter.com/FranDrawer03/s…
Ganondorf from The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of time ! This is my favorite design of him so I was super excited when they used it for Super smash bros ultimate. #NintendoSwitch #Zelda #ganondorf #digitalart #artist
We want to share with you the updated design of some buildings for the game #pixelart #indiegames #NintendoSwitch #ACNH
Lonely Roy series 3 episode 7: Roy meets Princess Daisy and Princess Peach part 2. #SmashBros #SmashBrosUltimate #SuperSmashBros #SmashUltimate #SuperSmashBrosUltimate #Nintendo #NintendoSwitch #FireEmblem #SuperMarioBros
Summer Marianne! Commission for @sixtybuzzer As part of my summer sale. Hope you guys like it! 📷 Rts appreciated #fanart #digitalart #summer #FireEmblem #FE3H #ThreeHouses #NintendoSwitch #Nintendo
Lonely Roy series 3 episode 6: Roy meets Princess Daisy and Princess Peach. #SmashBros #SmashBrosUltimate #SuperSmashBros #SmashUltimate #SuperSmashBrosUltimate #Nintendo #NintendoSwitch #FireEmblem #SuperMarioBros
Samus from Metroid prime, anime style! I actually came out with this idea while I was lost in the game, this is how I imagined Samus in that situation. · · · #digitalartist #digitalillustration #nintendomemes #metroid #animemetroid #samus #nintendoswitch #metroidprime
Link and Zelda from Tears of the Kingdom, anime style! Man..I just can't stop playing this game! I have a ton of ideas for artwork so, expect a lot of zelda stuff in the next few weeks !! · · · #zelda #zeldatotk #zeldamemes #zeldafanart #tearsofthekingdom #Link #nintendoswitch
昨日ニンダイで発表されました株式会社マーベラス様の新作「FREDERICA(フレデリカ)」にて店舗購入特典イラストのファイター(CV三石琴乃さん)を描かせていただきました、よろしくお願いいたします…! marv.jp/special/game/f… #7レデリカ #NintendoSwitch
株式会社マーベラス様より発売の『FREDERICA(フレデリカ)』にて、 先着購入特典ブックレットの表紙イラストを担当いたしました! ぜひ公式サイトをチェックしていただけたら嬉しいです marv.jp/special/game/f… #7レデリカ #NintendoSwitch
昨日、WAVE2にてカタパ無限湧きを経験したので、その腹いせに描きました。 カタパッド許すまじ( ` 皿 ′) #スプラトゥーン3 #Splatoon3 #NintendoSwitch
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