289 1507 As Terzo lay dying in the morgue, voiceless and unmoving, his ghouls could feel his pain. This is Special. #ghostbc #ghostband #namelessghoul 22/10/26 23:19
As Terzo lay dying in the morgue, voiceless and unmoving, his ghouls could feel his pain. This is Special. #ghostbc #ghostband #namelessghoul
324 1428 I like to headcanon that the ghouls died along with Terzo when he was embalmed alive, consumed by their element. Here's Air #ghostbc #ghostband #namelessghoul 22/10/24 23:34
I like to headcanon that the ghouls died along with Terzo when he was embalmed alive, consumed by their element. Here's Air #ghostbc #ghostband #namelessghoul
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