when i tell you. that i cant stop thinking of zimorangi. #MWII #CallofDutyModernWarfareII #CoDMWII #CoDFanart #Zimo #Zimorangi
Ghost lost a bet and Soap dared him to cut his hair into mohawk - the worst/best punishment for Simon who called his mohawk ugly all the time. Ghost still rocked it tho. And kinda liked it. Soap did too. #CoDMWII #soapghost #MW2Fanart #MW2 #soapmw2 #soapmactavish #ghostmw2
An old Ghost sketch that I didn't want to show... but I'm showing it. Aaaaand of course Price and Nikolai! + Iskra from tumblr, she is from cod:mw1 #CoDfanart #CoDMWII #ghostmw2 #CaptainPrice #Nikolai #GazMW2 #Iskra
WIP!! Tbank you so much for all the love on the sketch post ;;;; #MWII #CallofDutyModernWarfareII #CoDMWII #CoDFanart #Horangi #HorangiFanart
He wanted mcdonalds 🍔💀 #ghost #CallofDuty #SimonGhostRiley #CoDMWII #GhostSoap #MW2 #CoDfanart #MWII
Young Price and Nikolai. I just imagined little stories about them in my head, stop me.... #CoDfanart #CoDMWII #CaptainPrice #Nikolai
Husbands (Part 2/1) #GhostSoap #SimonGhostRiley #JohnSoapMacTavish #CoDfanart #CoDMWII #mw2fanart #CallofDuty
Played around with gradient maps! Horangi does a peace sign REAL!!!!!!!! #MWII #CallofDutyModernWarfareII #CoDMWII #CoDFanart #Horangi #HorangiFanart
Rodolfo and various stupid comics. Sorry again for the sketches.... I'm also thinking about changing pfp, but I'm afraid that they will lose me haah #CoDFanart #CoDMWII #rodolfoparra #CaptainPrice #Nikolai
I think Price plays the guitar well. Rest after the mission. #CaptainPrice #GazMW2 #CoDFanart #CoDMWII
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