今日の #FuturePunks ショット おはようございま〜〜〜す!! 左側2点が #NTP ファンアート そして、右側のものが、ファンアート作成途中でインスピレーションが降ってきた迷彩オニューパで〜〜〜す!! 並ぶと良いですね〜〜〜!! それでは、また!! #arttoy #futurepunks #futureman #3dprinting
Bahamut FFXIV He's done! Thanks to my mentor for helping me sculpt this @AnaCarolina_Art The 3d print files will be added this weekend on cults3d.com/en/users/SinSa… Hope you guys like it! #FFXIV #FFXIVART #3Dprinting #paintingminiatures #FinalFantasy #FinalFantasyXIV
The TE-60 Stiletto: tri engine air and space superiority fighter. 3D printable STL files and old school 80s anime style sci-fi illustrations available from Vulne pro Studio (link in bio). #AnimeArt #3Dprinting #scifiart
Our LED Katana is done! Full video up on YouTube! 😁 We also uploaded a basic Katana 3D model to our website in case you want to build your very own version! ❤️ ᴬᴰ | #SponsoredByEA | @playwildhearts #wildhearts #cosplay #diycrafts #karakuri #3dprinting
all the babies i got to work on for @Selen_Tatsuki !! pics taken by @k1ruse 🤨📸 in front of my dads plants #3dprinting #figurine #Artsuki
It's done, it's finally done. Hundreds of hours of printing, painting, and studying how the pros do it, but we finally reached the end of this journey. I can't wait to start my next one! 😁 #3Dprinting #3dprinter #3dprint #cosplay #COSPLAYMODE #worldofwarcraft #lichking #Warcraft
Thorfinn karlsefni fanart I made in 3D and also Resin Printed. Thorfinn's journey has just begun, excited for more Vinland Saga Season 2! 😝 More pics to come! @makotoyukimura @VinlandWorld #VINLANDSAGA #VinlandSaga2 #animefanart #3dprinting @chitubox #3Dprinted #anime
Friends I proudly present to you all TIAMAT!!! This was 3D printed by one of my patrons! What? Its totally her. No its not a bunch of Wyrmlings in a trenchcoat show some respect jeez Free stls: printables.com/model/324753-t… #dnd #3dmodeling #3dprinting #dungeonsanddragons #dndart
Nimue Goblin render and print. #Goblin #tabletopgaming #3dminis #miniaturepainting #3dminiatures #3dprinting #3dprintingminiatures #3D
Weekly Sculpture 18 『Malayan Tapir』 H16.5cm W30cm D11cm FDM 3D Printing PLA resin #WeeklySculpture #art #sculpture #3Dprinting #MalayanTapir #animal #RyoHagiwara
ギャレス版メカヘッド完成(。•̀ᴗ-)✧ 大きくて重いですが被れますよ〜♪ 覗き窓はミラーゴーグル仕様なので中の人は見えません👍 #メカヘッド #3dprinting #Guider2 #Adventurer3
Test print for December- Margo, The Orphan of Set - also a tree topper! 🎄 #dnd #dnd5e #miniatures #dungeonsanddragons #dndart #dndminis #miniature #dndartist #3dprinting #3dprint #3dprinted #3dprints #biblicallyaccurateangels #celestial #angel #eldritch #horror #lovecraftian
GA社のノーマルAC GA03-SOLARWIND完成しました! HGサイズと小さめながら可動モデルとして作り込みに成功しました! #armoredcore #アーマード・コア #3Dプリンター #3dprinting
Nabbed photos from Carla the painter. Just in case this platform die before I get proper photos. #MonsterHunter #3dprinting twitter.com/wDnrbm/status/…
Made a witch Goblin inspired by @NineplusN artwork. Amazing concept #tabletopgaming #3dminis #miniaturepainting #3dminiatures #3dprinting #3dprintingminiatures #3D
デジタル造形作品を期間限定で販売します! tamagochan - DMM.make クリエイターズマーケット make.dmm.com/item/1475206/ #DMMmake #3DPrinting
Deviljho is trending, here is my 3D-printed angry pickle ~80cm long (1:25) Printed with FDM because it's so big it didn't fit resin printer except tail tip. #MonsterHunter #deviljho #3Dprinting
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