28 177 Caleb tried to help his mum by emptying the vacuum cleaner, but he accidentally spilled everything on the floor 🗑️ Ooops 🦊 #cleaning #vacuum #helping #oops #home #chores #sylvanianfamilies #sylvanianfamily #sylvanian 23/08/14 17:00
Caleb tried to help his mum by emptying the vacuum cleaner, but he accidentally spilled everything on the floor 🗑️ Ooops 🦊 #cleaning #vacuum #helping #oops #home #chores #sylvanianfamilies #sylvanianfamily #sylvanian
2 10 きょうのショート【ピッツァー(´༎ຶོρ༎ຶོ`)】 ✈︎ youtube.com/shorts/c5XGdfZ… よろしくお願いします(*´꒳`*) #オモ写 #toyphotography #pizza #oops #FreddieMercury 23/03/04 23:30
きょうのショート【ピッツァー(´༎ຶོρ༎ຶོ`)】 ✈︎ youtube.com/shorts/c5XGdfZ… よろしくお願いします(*´꒳`*) #オモ写 #toyphotography #pizza #oops #FreddieMercury
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